The melodies leap off the page in Go Metric USA’s installation of folk mysticism, Old Books No One Remembers

 In an unflinching mission to keep the traditions of folk storytelling alive, the Texan ensemble Go Metric USA has unveiled their tribally hypnotic sense-awakening serenade, Old Books No One Remembers. You can practically hear notes of opium drift through the production in the arcanely atmospheric alt-country vignette which allows poetry to acquiesce with seraphic folk melodies.

With an evocative potency which tears through the centuries, Old Books No One Remembers is inexplicably efficacious in its ability to consume the psyche. It is only when you reach the outro in the Legendary Pink Dots-reminiscent production that you realise how intertwined you’ve become in the eloquently enlightening narrative which can hold its own against Robert Frost’s poetry.

Old Books No One Remembers is now available to stream on SoundCloud.

Review by Amelia Vandergast

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