Tarantino Tango: The Rhythmic Revolution of INÉSNation’s Heart of Glass

If music is a cure, the Mexican collective of world-class musicians INÉSNation is the ultimate healer. Their latest remedy, Heart of Glass, filters indie flamenco rhythms through a Tarantino-esque lens, bringing in elements of bluegrass to smash through the monocultural mould and leave fans of Tele Novella, Black Honey, and Superfood weak at the rhythmic pulses.

Singer-songwriter, INÉS, is the April March of her generation with her hauntingly timeless vocal timbre that allows you to effortlessly fall into the vignette which captures the turbulence within a mind attempting to piece together a fragmented heart.

It was a bold move using the same title as the Blondie classic single, yet after hearing Heart of Glass, it’s clear that no move can be too audacious for the genre-fluid collective which frequently experiments with jazz, blues, and folk while amplifying their scintillating syntheses through the raw power of rock and immersing their listeners in lyrical lore with country-esque storytelling.

Heart of Glass is now available to stream on Spotify.

Review by Amelia Vandergast

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