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Witch House

Alt Electronica artist Daughter of Dawn has released her debut album ‘Crushed into Dust by the Weight of the World’.

The captivatingly melodic guitar tones in the first single ‘Juniper Boughs Collide Upon My Shores’ perfectly sets the tone for Daughter of Dawn’s debut alt-electronica album ‘Crushed into Dust by the Weight of the World’. It is an existentialist’s playlist staple.

The dark electronica release comes with a cavernously cathartic feel, you can’t help but be pulled into the trippy progressions which glitch their way through lashings of reverb and laceratingly efficacious guitar hooks. Daughter of Dawn may play with the cold and chillier colours on the tonal palate, but there’s still a soulful empyreal air to the atmospheric sound.

Daughter of Dawn is the latest project by Minnesota-based trans artist, artist and producer, Emma Goldman Grey, a semi-professional musician who has toured the world in punk, metal and hardcore bands such as Hive, Contentious and Malachi. With her solo career, she takes inspiration from the likes of Chelsea Wolfe and other artists who experiment with evocative and ethereally dark elements to construct entrancing soundscapes with the capacity to heal.

Crushed into Dust by the Weight of the world is now available to stream via Spotify.

Connect with Daughter of Dawn via Facebook & Instagram.

Review by Amelia Vandergast


Sorry Little Sharky – Beauty in Futility: Cavernously Absorbing Alt Pop

Beauty in Futility” is the latest vocally-led Art Pop single from singer-songwriter, instrumentalist and producer Sorry Little Sharky, it’s also one of the most arcane singles which have fallen into our ears in 2020.

Not everyone’s larynx is capable of exuding haunting mesmerism, but perceptibly, Stef Schultz’s is. Even if Beauty in Futility was an acapella track, you’d still be absorbed by the cavernous feel to her vocal stretches. But alas, it is not, the deft instrumentals and effects find the perfect way to compliment her vocals in the playfully compelling composition which her vocals consistently dominate.

You can check out the official lyric video to Beauty in Futility by heading over to YouTube now.

Review by Amelia Vandergast

Belle Scar is set to release her most transfixingly arcane Dark Art Pop single yet  

The Eeriness is the arcanely transfixing forthcoming single from Montreal-born, London-based multi-instrumentalist, singer-songwriter and producer Belle Scar.

It’s almost a paradox how the soundscape unfolds as raw and cinematic simultaneously, but Belle Scar achieves it with her vocal timbre which is enough to make your soul quiver. The resounding vocals don’t just project power, but plenty of striking emotion which won’t fail to resonate as you listen to the artful instrumentals set up tribalistic intensity behind some of the best vocals we’ve heard this year. Belle Scar would seriously give Miley Cyrus’ larynx a run for its money.

You’ll be able to watch the surrealist official music video to The Eeriness for yourselves from November 11th. In the meantime, you can head over to Bandcamp and check out her equally as mesmerising releases.

Review by Amelia Vandergast

Real Clothes – Taiping Rebellion: Aurally Alchemic Avant-Garde Dark Pop

Real Clothes

Brooklyn-based Dark Pop artist and producer Real Clothes is set to release their chillingly hypnotic track “Taiping Rebellion” as part of their 2020 EP “Precaution”.

The EP addresses the instability and authoritarianism which seems to be slowly tearing apart the fabric of our society.  The EP was also orchestrated as an outlet for the grief which anyone with an ounce of empathy and compassion is undoubtedly feeling right now.

You’ll find plenty more than just lyrical resolve when you hit play. The indulgent infusion of Dark Pop, Trip Hop and Avant Pop pulls together as an entrancingly immersive single. Around the solid bass-driven beats, the chiming notes add plenty of depth to the instrumentals which Nico Fox’s vocals alluring find synergy with.

You’ll be able to find Taiping Rebellion along with the rest of the artist’s 2020 EP “Precaution” on all major streaming platforms including Spotify from August 7th.

To keep up to date with future releases head over to Facebook.

Review by Amelia Vandergast