As their curious minds go into the dark midst to fully see what is going on despite the distractions, Joker’s Hand show their displeasure with how money is made from so much suffering on ‘War Profiteer‘.
Joker’s Hand is a thriving two-piece indie alt- rock/punk band from Torrance, California. They cook up a tasty ska-fused track here which showcases their rising talents with Kevin Kawano and Matt Lau, letting it rip on how messed up this profit-driven world really is.
This is the story of how politics can be so thoughtless sometimes — as many people are struggling — whilst the horrific greed and decay of morals, is so worrying and needs to change urgently. They cleverly add their sarcastic undertone to this promising single, that has a real message that needs to be heard far and wide.
They sing with so much passion and honesty, as they show you into their thought process while doing it with a cheeky grin on their faces too. The performance is top notch, as the catchy rhythm has you listening intently the whole way though.
‘War Profiteer‘ from the talented Californian two-piece alt-punk/ska/rock fusion band Joker’s Hand, opens up the truth newspaper to page through the truth and to dispel the fake. They have a likable sound that has you impressed and nodding your head, while your whole body follows to join in.
Stream this truthful single on Spotify and see more on IG.
Reviewed by Llewelyn Screen