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Chords of Candour: Dylan Forshner on Crafting ‘Under Control’

 In an exclusive interview, Dylan Forshner discussed his latest single, “Under Control,” a poignant fusion of raw emotion and sonic exploration. Forshner, a Toronto-based artist known for his genre-defying approach, shares the intimate journey behind the creation of this track, his first and an intrinsically personal venture. The single unravels as a narrative of battling mental health challenges and as an emblem of hopeful resilience.

Through his narrative, Dylan engages with themes of emotional vulnerability and the cathartic power of music, which resonates strongly with his listeners. As he reflects on his influences and the therapeutic aspects of his songwriting, the interview uncovers the layers of an artist who is not afraid to expose his heart through his melodies.

This conversation is a must-read for anyone fascinated by the intersections of personal struggle and artistic expression, offering insights into Dylan’s creative process and his optimistic outlook amidst life’s tumultuous rhythms.

Dylan Forshner, thank you for sitting down with us to discuss your latest riot of candour, Under Control, what’s the story behind the single? 

Under Control is a story of me experiencing struggles with ups and downs in my mental health but holding out optimism that I have it “under control” this time. This was my first writing effort back in May 2023 and has been a favorite of a lot of people who have heard my originals or seen me perform, including my mom.

Did you naturally reach the epitome of genre fluidity with Under Control or was it a more conscious effort to pull elements in from across the sonic spectrum? 

This being the first song I wrote I didn’t have much intention to have it sound like anything in particular, I was just happy anything came out of me creatively. But looking back now I can see where my influences shine through. The vocal style especially in the chorus with the “ouu’s” is derived from my love of Australian surf bands such as Skeggs and Hockey Dad. With the guitar, and percussive elements I was inspired by Canadian bands Born Ruffians and Peach Pit.

You’ve got the sticky-sweet rugged rogue erraticism down to a fine art in the release, how does your artistic execution of the single amplify the emotional underpinnings? 

Under Control does a great job of portraying the emotions I was feeling at the time of writing. The lyrical content is heavy and open about difficult emotions I was going through but the tone of the song gives an uplifting and optimistic feel that things will get better.

Have you always worn your heart on your sleeve in your music?

The majority of my music is inspired by personal experience and emotion and I treat it as a form of therapy. To me putting it into words and sharing it openly helps me process the emotions I’m feeling.

What do you hope your listeners take from the release? 

I hope listeners can relate to the emotional openness of Under Control and can feel a bit more comfortable speaking openly about their struggles with mental health or whatever else they might be going through. 

When are you most inspired to write? 

I tend to be most inspired late at night before bed. I find my mind is the most clear at that time and I can more easily translate my emotions into lyrics, chord progressions or melody. 

What is your experience of the Toronto indie scene? 

The Toronto Indie scene for me has been where I learned to be a musician. Starting out seeing a variety of rock acts in the scene I then started going to open mics frequently to hone my own skills before eventually starting to write my own originals. I take a lot of inspiration from the diverse and immensely talented artists in the scene. The pocket of the scene that I’ve been lucky enough to be connected to has always been extremely supportive of one another and encouraging to newer musicians such as myself.

What’s next for Dylan Forshner?

I have another single coming titled “It’ll Be A Great Day” which will be out roughly around mid-September. There are also three other songs that are near completion that I hope to release by the end of this year or early next to complete a five-song EP titled “Hopeless Optimism”.

Stream Under Control on all major platforms via this link.

Follow Dylan Forshner on Instagram and Facebook.


Interview by Amelia Vandergast