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The Legendary Pink Dots

The melodies leap off the page in Go Metric USA’s installation of folk mysticism, Old Books No One Remembers

 In an unflinching mission to keep the traditions of folk storytelling alive, the Texan ensemble Go Metric USA has unveiled their tribally hypnotic sense-awakening serenade, Old Books No One Remembers. You can practically hear notes of opium drift through the production in the arcanely atmospheric alt-country vignette which allows poetry to acquiesce with seraphic folk melodies.

With an evocative potency which tears through the centuries, Old Books No One Remembers is inexplicably efficacious in its ability to consume the psyche. It is only when you reach the outro in the Legendary Pink Dots-reminiscent production that you realise how intertwined you’ve become in the eloquently enlightening narrative which can hold its own against Robert Frost’s poetry.

Old Books No One Remembers is now available to stream on SoundCloud.

Review by Amelia Vandergast

Growing Boi made a malady of sentimentality in his psychedelically experimental single, Overflow

After years of success as a touring artist, session musician, songwriter and producer, Chris Matthews obliterated the notion of genre with his exploratively alternative single, Overflow, under the moniker Growing Boi. The artfully melancholic track makes a malady out of sentimentality while exhibiting the same instrumental alchemy and ingenuity as the Legendary Pink Dots and the vocal gravitas of Leonard Cohen.

The spacey amalgam of psych, folk, electronica, trip-hop and 70s pop is devilishly clever, but never to the detriment of the accessibility of the intimately bold score that will stay with you for long after the complex chords have faded into silent obscurity. From honkytonk piano keys to motifs you’d expect to hear in a Tame Impala production, Overflow is a treasure trove of artful beguile that allows you to drift to a higher plateau.

Overflow will drop on February 24th; hear it on SoundCloud.

Review by Amelia Vandergast

Paper White and the Lake goes for baroque in their single, My Love, ft. Teresa Ann & Nicole Limle

For their standout single, My Love, the up-and-coming Avant-Garde originator Paper White and the Lake collaborated with Teresa Ann & Nicole Limle to create a striking piano-led score that will easily arrest any Evelyn-Evelyn and the Legendary Pink Dots fans.

The theatrically baroque piano keys and Brian Viglione-style percussion fuse in absolute synergy with the beguile of the art-house chanteuse vocals, which implant aching amorous soul into the soundscape that resonates with a touch of coldness and isolation.

My Love efficaciously proves that nothing can rival the presence of love, and nothing can be as inhospitable as a world without it. To say that you will feel all of the emotion as My Love unfurls around the reprise of “you don’t want my love” is far from a mascara-ruining understatement.

Stream My Love on YouTube.

Review by Amelia Vandergast

The UK-based artist, Bobby Bluff is set to make his bleak smitten-worthy avant-folk debut

Bobby Bluff

If any new 2022 release can help you turn a smile, it’s the eccentrically enamouring release, The Cat of Cruickshank, by the UK-based singer-songwriter and artist Bobby Bluff. With fleeting reminiscences to Billy Bragg, The Residents, The Legendary Pink Dots and John Cooper Clarke, the gritty yet sonically exuberant vignette is the ultimate existentialist’s playlist staple.

Paradoxically, The Cat of Cruickshank is elevated in its Avant-Garde style and as rough as the plot to a Ken Loach film. Coming across it almost felt like an act of serendipity in our dystopic world-weary times. The Cat of Cruickshank leaves you with that rare sense of eagerness to find out where Bluff will take his innovation next. Even if the rest of 2022 disappoints, you can place your faith in the stout-hearted ingenuity of Bluff.

The Cat of Cruickshank is just one of the singles on Bobby Bluff’s debut album, Introducing Bobby Bluff, which will release in April 2022.

Review by Amelia Vandergast

Escape the existentialism with Talketto’s latest single ‘Across the Table’

Brighton-based indie producer, Talketto’s latest single ‘Across the Table’ is an indulgent escape from existentialism; if you could imagine what it would sound like if Lou Reed collaborated with the Legendary Pink Dots, you’ll get a good idea of what is in store when you hit play.

The despondently hazy vocals come with a sardonic bite as they chomp down on the semi-psychedelic artfully impactful spacey synths which weave colourful progressions as Talketto delves deep into the agony and inconvenience of the human experience.

Across the Table truly deserves to be a staple to everyone’s ambient indie playlists. Talketto may think outside of archetypal boxes, but each of their soundscapes consume you through the sheer ingenuity.

Across the Table is now available to stream on Spotify.

Review by Amelia Vandergast