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The Hand

Tired Of It: London’s Mark Izatt sings with so much passion as he knows things have to change quick on ‘The Hand’

With his mind made up that his friend needs help immediately to know where to land, Mark Izatt is back with a gloriously created single which opens up his heart to dealing with this matter on ‘The Hand‘.

Mark Izatt is a tremendously underrated London-based indie pop singer-songwriter and self-confessed extreme hobbyist, who makes that deeply rooted music which holds your mind, and has you in an introspective daze as you look inside your soul for answers.

He sings with so much enlightenment as he has seen this moment flash before his eye like a bright bulb flickering constantly, the moment to speak deeply to his friend about their issue is here and its time to fix the broken glass.

Each verse is more emotional than the last, the pain he is seeing is starting to effect his mood, the era of putting up with this has finally come to an end.

The Hand’ from Mark Izatt, is a terrific single that strikes you right into your heart, as you worry about your friend that perhaps has one too many too often and can’t cope, as you wonder with if they will ever be okay or stay in the loop forever. This is a song sung with utmost care and loving tenderness, with vocals that are hauntingly beautiful.

Stream this fine single on Soundcloud and see more on IG.

Reviewed by Llewelyn Screen