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She Love Me: C4$hie returns with the catchy street track Gone For a Min

Knowing that his style is loved by many ladies because of his likeable charm and impressive performances when it counts, C4$hie is at his honest best with a story many will smile at on his latest track Gone For a Min.

C4$hie aka THE BIG DUB is a 25-year-old indie hip hop artist who lives deep in the legendary city of Brooklyn, New York and charges up that lyrically advanced manuscripts for others to learn from.

He talks about entrepreneurship, independence, being a single father, overcoming his insecurities, and the various obstacles he faced to reach his full potential. While giving you the motivation to do the same, using his personal experience to let you know you’re not alone.” ~ C4$hie

With influences taken from legends such as Big Sean, Jay Z, Outkast, J-Cole, and Eminem, C4$hie shows us his witty technique and teaches the kids how this fickle rap game rolls with realistic stories to snack on.

Gone For a Min from Brooklyn, New York-based indie hip hop artist C4$hie is a vibrant effort from a wildly talented rapper who seems to make everything look so easy. His personality shines as hard as his bars and this is a bona fide speaker shaker for those all-night parties which never seem to end.

Even when you go away for a while, you can always elevate if you want it enough.

Listen up on Spotify and see more on IG.

Reviewed by Llewelyn Screen