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Stop the Sound

The Talking Hours cast the first stone in the indietronica blues-rock revolution with the swagger in their latest seminal release, Stop the Sound

The Talking Hours have returned as unrivalled pioneers of post-punk panache after a four-year airwaves hiatus with Stop the Sound, a track from their third LP, Transmissions to Missy. If you’ve ever wondered what The Black Keys would sound like if they traded in their vintage bluesy tones for indie hooks and Arcade Fire-style swagger, look no further.

Mauricio and Karie, the fierce force behind The Talking Hours, weave magnetic indie vocals through a dense fog of percussion and angular guitars that slice through the track with post-punk precision. The visceral rhythm and sharp riffs deliver jolts of energy while the vocals cut through, commanding attention with their arcane deliverances of deadpan drawls and euphonic harmony.

The way the duo push against the constrictions of sonic conformity by pairing rock, blues, and indie elements with electronic pulses amplifies the hypnotic gravity of Stop the Sound. You’ll come for the perfect equilibrium of style and substance, yet it is the emotive anatomy of Stop the Sound which allows it to establish itself as a playlist staple, with the same sense of magnetism as Editors and Interpol in spite of the abstract nature of the lyricism.

Stream The Talking Hours’ LP, Transmissions to Missy, in full via Spotify now.

Review by Amelia Vandergast