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Staying true to what is really important: The Vigilance Committee drop superb new single ‘Reflections III’

The Vigilance Committee are back with their inspirational blend of real music with heart on the outstanding new single ‘Reflections III‘.

New York indie-punk rockers The Vigilance Committee are a closely-knit outfit that have been making epic soundscapes together since 2009, and they are a group that do things that really matter in life, beyond music.

Reflections III’ is a coming home of sorts for us,” says Phil Corso (drums/vocals). “With the world the way it is, we felt it was important to get back to basics, which for us, meant writing honest music that stood for something.”

This exceptional song is about how we need to fully appreciate the beauty of building a project from the start to the finish, no matter what the end result turns out to be. Watching it fall over is tough to watch but if it means you have to compromise your core morals and values, staying true to yourself is all that matters. You are the one that has to look in the mirror each day after all.

With a more than satisfying indie-punk rumbustious melody to start us off on this excellent ride, the driving drums and haunting vocals catch your attention quickly, this is a rock solid track that is marvelously catchy and is so true to its original vision. The true story of not letting yourself fall below the standard you have set for yourself deep down and how you would rather tumble over, than stay somewhere you know isn’t for you and where you feel you don’t belong.

Valuing total integrity over worthless material things seems like a controversial thing to do these days, so its very refreshing to hear a band that still have these values and who actually say something about things that aren’t legitimate.

This is an excellent band who are underground heroes for doing what is right and ‘Reflections III’ from New York City four-piece The Vigilance Committee, sees them stay true to their roots and kicks the standard up a few notches in a previously prosperous genre, that has been in the doldrums for way too long. That all changes now.

Stream this terrific track here on YouTube and see what they get up to next on FB & IG.

Reviewed by Llewelyn Screen