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Signs and Wonders

Remilekun delivered another divine experience with the live recording of ‘Miracles, Signs and Wonders’

Remilekun’s live performance of her latest single, Miracles, Signs and Wonders, is nothing short of a transcendent experience; the studio recordings of her performances are impressive, but the live renditions elevate her music to a whole other sanctifying level.

Joined by a band whose talent knows no restraint that infuses 80s pop rock aesthetics into gospel, and supported by the uplifting Sound of Gospel Choir, the single reaches the epitome of an inspiring release. If you were waiting for a divine intervention, here it is.

Unlike your ordinary sonic deliverances of euphoria, Miracles, Signs and Wonders stand out by grounding its feel-good essence in its lyrics. Listen once, and you’ll find yourself basking in the power of gratitude and opening your mind to the possibility of miracles awaiting you. The pure, unbridled soul within the release serves as a reminder that embracing a rose-tinted view of the world can lead to personal reality blossoming.

Recorded live in the Netherlands, this single leaves you with soulful beats that evoke joy, hope, and love. The performance’s authenticity and arcanely unfiltered energy resonate profoundly, enabling listeners to forge a genuine connection to the music. Remilekun’s celestial timbres, cradled effortlessly by the choir, make this live version a must-listen for gospel fans or anyone who simply needs a reminder that the world is an illusion filtered through perception.

Watch the official music video for Miracles, Signs and Wonders, which was recorded live in the Netherlands on YouTube.

Review by Amelia Vandergast