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Scotland Alt Rock

The Breathing Method let their post-grunge ‘Demons’ out to play in their latest soul-tearing triumph

With a sound Sub Pop should be rushing to sign, The Breathing Method retained their position as Scotland’s premier post-grunge outfit by unleashing their latest single, ‘Demons’. If you can bear the weight of the heavy emotional artillery and not be affected, your soul may be beyond salvation.

The steady and warm-with-affection guitar chords heighten the sting of the raw vocal stretches as they plunge into the abyss of despair and cut just as deep as Pearl Jam’s ‘Black’. But don’t get it twisted, Demons is so much more than your average trip back to the 90s Seattle sound.

The scrambled mental disquietness of the overlaying voice recordings in the track’s Blue October-esque middle eight extrapolates the agony of a chaotically disorientated mind, exhibiting how our demons can make battlegrounds of our psyche after objects of idiosyncratic desire move far beyond the eye’s periphery.

The way The Breathing Method executed Demons, ensuring they match the emotive delivery of Death Cab for Cutie, is a surefire sign that they’re a band worth watching as they tear through the underground and move into the mainstream.

Demons is now available to stream on all major platforms, including Spotify.

Review by Amelia Vandergast