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Reservations at 8

Reservations at 8 – Come Around: A Visceral Anthem of Disparate Desolation

Come Around / Not So Easy St by Reservations at 8

Reservations at 8 unleashed a formidable force in their double A-Side release, “Come Around / Not So Easy St.” This sophomore installation from the Massachusetts-based trio drenches listeners in a sea of distorted melodies that gnaw deep into the soul.

The hybridic beast of a synthesis of grunge, no-wave and pop punk in Come Around created the ultimate anthem of disparate desolation which thrives on visceral hooks that intertwine seamlessly with Peter Tuohy’s vocal onslaught.

The single encapsulates the agony of clinging to the ephemeral, with guitar solos that mourn like the final throes of a resigning hopeless romantic. If you’re all too familiar with the tumult of fading futures and the strife of holding onto the slipping threads of hope, find swathes of resonant consolation in this antagonised earworm.

Since forming in 2019, Reservations at 8 has evolved from covering bands like Green Day and Nirvana to defining their unique sound—a cagey cocktail of power rock and pop imbued with their idols’ spirit. Now entrenched in the local Massachusetts music scene, the trio aims to transcend the preference for covers in bars and make an indelible mark with their original material. With several tours and a growing following, they stand at the cusp of their creative zenith

Stream and Purchase Come Around on Bandcamp now.

Review by Amelia Vandergast