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Progressive Metal Internet Radio

Blue Midnight – Nightshade: Female-Fronted Progressive Metal

Whilst the prelude to Blue Midnight’s latest single Nightshade starts off as a polyphonic progression of 80’s synth nostalgia, when the track kicks into gear you’re left with a raucously crunchy anthem amplified by a stark contrast in vocals. If you could imagine a vocal style purer and more captivatingly innocent than Paramore’s Hayley Williams or the rest of the Alt-Rock female vocalists you’d almost be able to get an idea of the ethereally stunning harmony which bleeds from the vocals.

Through the instrumentals you’re treated to swathes of high-octane reverb which usually belongs in the Grunge arena, yet as the track draws to a close the instrumentals get stripped back to classical strings as you’re hit by the full weight behind the vocals. Yet that’s not quite as stunning as the guitar riffs that draw the track to a blinding close.

If female-fronted metal is your bag, you can check out Blue Midnight’s latest single Nightshade for yourselves by heading over to YouTube now.

Review by Amelia Vandergast