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Mark Knopfler

Swirling Smoke and String Mastery in Peter Trappen’s ‘Cottonmouth Blues’

Peter Trappen, with his four decades of experience and a Grammy nod under his belt, became a blues mesmerist with his latest single, Cottonmouth Blues.

The atmosphere of a blues bar unfurls through the release as Trappen’s textured Jim Morrison and Jimmy Buffet-esque croons drape over the guitar progressions which testify to his intuitive connection with his fretboard and his ability to materialise seductive echoes of alchemy with his notes.

Reminiscent of Eric Clapton’s and Mark Knopfler’s deft grooves, the guitars are an aphrodisiac to the rhythmic pulses as they introduce the sound and soul of a man who has soaked in the flavours of Motown, Memphis Soul, and Chicago Blues. The Epiphone Les Paul through a cranked Fender Blues Jr. ensures every note is a reverent whisper to blues’ storied past and a bold statement in its ongoing evolution.

The backing instrumentation, featuring stalwarts like Paul Hirsh on keys and Martin Ditcham on drums, complements Trappen’s work perfectly, making every moment of the track resonate with bluesy purity.

Stream Cottonmouth Blues on SoundCloud now and follow Peter Trappen on Facebook.

Review by Amelia Vandergast

Masorti presents: “Father’s Eyes”, a new studio release

Masorti is a creative and talented musician with a focus on exploring a wide variety of influences, while still ensuring that his music is incredibly punchy and creative, appealing to listeners of all backgrounds while portraying the artist’s personality and Americana-folk vibe.

Masorti’s most recent studio work is titled “Father’s Eyes”, and it is yet another step forward for him. This one shows a lot of potential, as the production is just as good as the performance of the artist, which brings so much vitality and passion to the mix. The release is a crossroads of different vibes and influences, yet as if by magic, it all really acquires a stunning and original tone, which adds to the scope of this release.

Find out more about Masorti, and check out “Father’s Eyes”, his flavorful new release.

You Don’t Have To Be Beautifully Mad To Work Here, But It Helps

Silhouette by Beautifully Mad

The best music connects with you at a subconscious level. You can analyses, deconstruct and debate the merits of it till the cows come home but real genius is already talking to you on an altogether more subtle level. In fact not just talking, the best music will have knocked on the door of your subconscious holding a bunch of flowers, wined and dined it and will be curled up on the sofa with it before your conscious half has even managed to get out of bed.

And so it is with Silhouette, the titular offering from Beautifully Mad’s latest album and the real genius is that you have been listening to this band all of your life, you just may not have realised it. You have heard them in the lyricism of Leonard Cohen, the drunken grooves of Tom Waits, the sass of a whole range of blues divas and the virtuosity of blues informed rock guitarists. It is timeless and inevitable but still brilliantly original and totally necessary.