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Mariam Davina

Voices of Resilience: Mariam Davina on Love, Loss, and Self-Discovery in ‘Reintroduction

In this introspective interview with Mariam Davina following the release of her debut EP, “Reintroduction,” we delve into the emotional currents that define its six tracks. Mariam opens up about her creative process, revealing that each song served as a diary entry, capturing her experiences with love, loss, and the journey to self-discovery. From singing in South London churches to competing on The Voice UK, Mariam’s path has been anything but ordinary. Discover how her profound experiences have shaped her music and what lies ahead for this promising artist. Join us in exploring the depths of Mariam’s artistry and the personal revelations that fuel her soul-stirring music.

Mariam Davina, thanks for the opportunity to sit down with you after the release of your debut EP, Reintroduction, we’d love to start by exploring the emotional themes within the six tracks and how you decided on the scintillatingly soulful and luxe sonic style that permeates all of the singles. 

Thank you for having me!

What sparked the inspiration to create the EP? 

What sparked my inspiration was what I was going through at the time. I discovered what it meant to be loved and I wrote these songs based on how I was feeling and my experience. Each song was written at different points. The songs were like my diary entries sharing my thoughts and feelings whilst experiencing the rollercoaster of love, loss and finding myself.

What did you discover about yourself while working on the EP?

A whole load of things, however, the most important thing was the discovery of how I work best and what I like and don’t like.

At what age did you realise that you wanted to pursue a career as a musician? 

I started singing at the age of three, singing in choirs and singing solos. This exposure made me realise that this is what I wanted to do for life. I love singing and performing in front of crowds and from the age of five I decided that this is what I want to do, and I want to become a star.

How did growing up in South London and signing in church play a role in your development as an artist?

Growing up singing in church taught me the foundation of music and the various expressions of the art. I learnt how to find how to project, how to deliver emotion, how to harmonise and blend and more. It also taught me how to communicate with a band and take the audience on a journey. I think this was necessary for me because I feel like nowadays artist development isn’t as strong as before, so I was lucky to have an environment where to develop into what I am today.

Having been a semi-finalist on The Voice UK and coached by Sir Tom Jones, what were some of the most valuable lessons you learned from that experience?

I learnt a lot about working with different people and always being ready to take on a challenge. It was a reminder to always be prepared and your hard work will pay off. Every night I performed, I performed like it was my last performance and that’s how it should be all the time.

Which artists inspire you the most and what is it about them that you strive to emulate in your own work?

I’m inspired by a lot of artists vocally. I’m inspired by Whitney Houston and Jasmine Sullivan mainly due to the emotion they carry when they sing. I’m inspired by Beyoncé from her voice to her work ethic to just seeing how she’s been able to maintain the longevity in her career and still be as incredible as she is.

How do you hope your music, particularly the songs from Reintroduction, will resonate with your listeners?

I hope that my music can help people as it helped me navigate my different emotions in each stage of that period. I hope people enjoy it as much as I’ve enjoyed creating it, I want them to find a sense of peace because that’s how I feel after finishing and releasing this project because I’ve seen myself grow, learn about love, and learn that it is okay to let go even though it’s hard and find yourself again.

Finally, looking ahead, what can your fans expect next from you? Are there any upcoming projects or collaborations you can share with us?

Going forward, you can expect more shows and I can say that I’ve got a lot more content coming out to showcase the creation process of the EP and behind the scenes.

Stream Miriam Davina’s music on Spotify.

Follow the artist on all major platforms via this link.

Interview by Amelia Vandergast