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London Electronica

Bitvert – Deletist: A Techno-Punk Invocation of Resistance

Bitvert’s latest release, Deletist, is an off-kilter slice of pulse-pounding experimental electronica, crafted in the heart of East London’s artist quarter—where creativity thrives despite economic and political adversity.

The encapsulation of the struggle against a dysfunctional government and parasitic leaders embodies the spirit of liberation and defiance; the punk ethos charges the sequence of nocturnal electro, born through an amalgamation of spectral electronica, 4/4 techno beats and kinetic sub-bass frequencies.

The single’s release coincided with the new government’s election, yet it remains timely all the same, given the sense of nihilism and despair that remains pervasive in the UK’s collective psyche. Deletist serves as a bass-drenched techno resistance, a sonic uprising against the subjugation that has eroded hope and fuelled a belief in our epoch’s irreversible regression.

With punk’s spirit relegated to the shadows of the music industry, Bitvert ensures its essence endures through his frenetic rhythms that testify to the times, call for unity and vindicate through volition.

Deletist was released on the 4th of July via We Are Not Content; stream the single on SoundCloud now.

Review by Amelia Vandergast

Elevate your playlists with Tom Gimson’s architecturally inspired ambient electronica piece, Ridge

Tom Gimson’s latest single ‘Ridge‘ reflects his richly multi-faceted creativity as a London-based multi-media artist; the track is a journey through complex intersections of music, film, and architecture. Gimson, with his background as a performing saxophonist, composer, and crew member in the UK’s commercial photography and film industry, brings a unique perspective to his craft, and ‘Ridge’ is a shining example of this.

The single begins with the pulse of a heartbeat, a foundational rhythm that sets the stage for a multi-layered auditory experience. From this simple beginning, ‘Ridge’ builds into a complex tapestry of sound. The use of scintillating droning synth lines introduces elements of discordance, creating a striking contrast with the euphonically melodious core of the track. This intentional juxtaposition and use of more exotic percussive fills breaks the mono-cultural mould, showcasing Gimson’s ability to challenge conventional musical boundaries.

The amalgamative nature of the sonic catharsis and harbingering tones in the track elucidates the harsh realities of our social tapestry, inviting listeners to engage with the music on a deeper, more introspective level. Sink in, and sink into yourself.

Ridge was officially released on February 2nd; stream the single on all major platforms via this link.

Review by Amelia Vandergast