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Let Me Talk About Mine

Spotlight Feature: Be Bigger Not Bitter with Tago’s Feel-Good Hip-Hop Juggernaut, Let Me Talk About Mine

Tago stepped back into the spotlight with his latest single Let Me Talk About Mine, which is set to be a significant moment in his career. The Dallas-based rapper and producer, who has spent the better part of a decade behind the scenes, enriching other artists’ careers, now takes centre stage, showcasing his own story with soul-infused conviction that demands attention.

With Let Me Talk About Mine, Tago crafted lyrics that are both sharp and introspective, set against a backdrop of electrifying beats and cutting-edge electronica aesthetics that shake the dust off old school while tapping into the grit of it.

This single is an unreckonable assertion of self-worth and an invitation to witness his ascension in hip-hop. His narrative is potent, steeped in personal growth and the gritty realities of forging one’s path against the odds. Tago captivates through this monolithic hit, employing kinetic rhythms that propel the listener through his journey of self-realisation and unflinching ambition.

It’s a track that will stand the test of time as a testament to Tago’s ability to weave traditional influences into a modern sonic landscape that pulsates with energy. If you’ve ever felt overshadowed, step into the limelight with his emboldening instant classic.

Stream the official music video for Let Me Talk About Mine from May 16th.

Follow Tago on Instagram.

Review by Amelia Vandergast