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Instrumental Electronica

Take a Transcendent Aural Trip with Alt Electronica Artist Taūv’s Ambiently Atmospheric Debut Album

In 2019 Electronic artist and producer Taūv dropped their debut self-titled album. We’re incredibly glad that the intricately layered soundscapes which take you on a transcendental trip to a completely new aural plateau ended up in our ears.

The ambiently psychedelic tones make it all too easy to immerse yourself within the mixes and follow the unpredictable progressions as they seamlessly contort under Taūv’s deft command.

Each of the tracks was atmospherically arrestive, but within the album, you’ll find a dynamic array of sounds. Each mix unfolds as a snapshot of the artist’s psyche when he orchestrated them. In “A Stroll with Birds” you’ll be fed birdsong and tranquillity. In “Losing My Shit” you’ll get a taste of the artist’s shadow side through the phantasmal layers which are weaved into the futuristic mix.

You can check out Taūv’s album for yourselves by heading over to Spotify. Prepare for 34 solid minutes of electronically crafted alchemy.

Keep up to date with the latest releases from the artist via Facebook.

Review by Amelia Vandergast