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8udDha bl0od releases gl!7ch: A compelling array of sounds

8udDha bl0od is back again with the release of ‘gl!7ch’ slightly different to previous releases, this one takes you through the powerful uses of just sound.

Beginning with the vibrant sound of the trumpet, adding in a light tap on the drums, to the whole sound changing and going into a rather eerie sinister style, high-pitched shrieks, sounding like something that would be in a 90’s thriller and the pitch tends to get a lot more shrill.

Then the hard-hitting drum beat comes through, adding in a rather western like sound with the acoustic guitar riffs that illuminate the background. This definitely shows just how creative you can be with instruments, how each one has its own feeling when you listen.

8udDha bl0od releases new music often, be sure to check out his other tracks by heading over to his SoundCloud page.

Check out 8udDha bl0od’s latest track gl!7ch by heading over to SoundCloud now.

Review by Karley Myall