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Give and Take

Talk Is Cheap: Swiss band The Hydden are in the zone with new single Give and Take

Pulsating our tender earlobes with something rather spikey and saturated with edge, The Hydden startles all listeners with a speaker-shocking performance on the lyrical lesson, which is Give and Take.

The Hydden is a Switzerland-based indie rock 2-piece band who storm the airwaves and transmits music with a storm-like intensity during each performance.

This two-man-show shows profound songwriting skills, combined with hooks that could easily line up amongst some rock classics.” ~ The Hydden

Soaking our starved souls with a hair-raising single steaming with energy, The Hydden electrifies the circuits and takes our minds into an honest world packed with real-life stories to learn from. With a vocally convincing performance and a sound which will surely catch the mind of many, this is a dynamic packed to devour rather potently.

Give and Take from Switzerland-based indie rock 2-piece band The Hydden is a thunderous display crammed with so much gusto which might cause extra heartbeats to blossom. Layered rather wonderfully together and displaying so many mighty intentions, we find a track with something different to the rest.

In a world laden with copycats, this is a welcome single to fall in love with.

Hear this new release on SoundCloud and see more on the Facebook.

Reviewed by Llewelyn Screen