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Gavin Cole

Gavin Cole pierced the pop veil with the razor-sharp hooks in his dynamic hit, FRNDS

The hooks in Gavin Cole’s latest single, FRNDS, don’t just impale, they implant an addiction to his vibrantly visceral approach to contemporary pop.

The sharp bursts of rock renegade intensity within the rhythmically dynamic single which synthesises nuances of funk in the guitar lines, galvanises through dance-pop energy in the beats, and keeps the anticipation for the choruses high with the synth-carved layers of indie jangle pop ensures FRNDS will hit the airwaves with maximum impact.

As an artist who always leans into the messy and often hedonistic nature of relationships, Gavin Cole isn’t your average purveyor of unrealistic romantic expectation-imparting pop, he’s as real as it gets, exemplified by FRNDS, which explores how temptation and lust can tear friendships apart.

With an immense vocal presence that allows Gavin Cole to become a supernova in the spotlight and the studio, he isn’t an artist to underestimate. Since his debut, he’s created a community around his music, evidenced by the success of his crowdfunding campaigns.

FRNDS will be available to stream on all major platforms, including Spotify, from May 31st.

Review by Amelia Vandergast