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Floridian Hip Hop

Loose Change 10k became an unreckonable force in the Floridian hip-hop scene with their trippy hit, Haters

The Floridian hip-hop duo Loose Change 10k has once again proven its unreckonable mettle with the latest single and music video, Haters. The wavy and melodically trippy track instantly sets a mind-bending tone; once you’ve sunk into the saturated reflections of old-school hip-hop roots, the bars kick in and push adrenalized momentum into the hit with every syllable flexed.

The juxtaposition between the energy injected by the two MCs, O-Head and Danny Duke, and the catharsis of the experimentally catchy melodies leaves you cascading through a vortex of Loose Change 10k’s ingenuity.

With a sound that’s as fresh as it is fierce, they’ve reserved a space in the hip-hop pantheon with Haters, which vindicates anyone who has collected their fair share of haters simply by succeeding. If any track is going to convince you to take it all in your stride and leave them to stagnate, it’s Haters.

Stream the self-shot and produced video for Haters, which premiered on October 8th, via YouTube.

Review by Amelia Vandergast