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Everything’s Changing

Columbia’s Craig Lewis Opened a New Chapter with His Debut Single, Everything’s Changing’ in His Sonic Rebirth Solo Project

Those Heavy Souls

The disbanding of Columbia was a bitter pill to swallow in 2022, but if anything can sugar it, it is the debut single from frontman Craig Lewis, who has lost none of his strength as a one-man powerhouse in his new project, Those Heavy Souls.

Everything’s Changing” is a far more lyrically intimate exhibition of Lewis’ artistic edge, whereas the alt-90s and 00s indie aesthetic, inspired by Kasabian, The Stone Roses, and Doves, remains just as infectiously robust. As you mourn the pace at which our society is disintegrating from recognition, you’re caught up in the kinetically tight, flawlessly produced mourning of what we’ve lost in recent years. Everything’s Change is the ultimate salve for the socialist soul looking for a semblance of sanity and sanctuary.

Lewis’ ability to take a deeply lamentable subject and augment it into a rhythmically compelling hit is a sure-fire testament to the fact that Columbia may have never reached the stadiums that they were well equipped for, but that hasn’t got in the way of Lewis delivering euphoric swagger infused with a quintessentially British sense of ennui.

We already can’t wait to hear what is lingering in the pipeline from the artist who knows exactly how to hark back to the nostalgia of the Britpop era without assimilating. He isn’t just merely exploring intersections; he’s pushing boundaries to the point of deconstructing the framework of nostalgia.

Everything’s Changing will be available to stream on all major platforms from May 3rd. Find your preferred way to listen via Those Heavy Souls’ official website.

Review by Amelia Vandergast