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Shadowed Heights: Ikechi Onyenaka Unpacks the Solitude of Success in his Neo-Trap Single, ‘Eclipse’

Ikechi Onyenaka’s latest single, ‘Eclipse,’ delivers an avant-garde blend of saxophone-laden jazz and sharp trap rhythms, underpinned by the emotional richness of neo-soul. This intrinsically authentic release evolves with each soulful progression, compelling listeners to groove along with Onyenaka’s reflective journey. Through ‘Eclipse,’ he explores the seldom-discussed loneliness accompanying success, challenging the enviable facade often associated with prosperity.

In ‘Eclipse,’ Onyenaka’s artistic versatility shines as he oscillates between rap verses and neo-soul vocal spills, each dripping with unfiltered emotion. The heavy bass and ambient synths create a nostalgic backdrop reminiscent of 90’s neo-soul, while the alto saxophone commands attention, weaving through the composition with soul-stirring authority.

By portraying the stark reality of success through the upbeat, genre-melding soundscape of neo-trap, Onyenaka not only rips up the clichéd narrative of an effortless life at the top but also emphasises the fundamental human need for connection.

Eclipse hit the airwaves on May 3rd, stream the single here now.

Review by Amelia Vandergast