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Yur Mum – Duality: Unflinchingly Authentic Brazilian Punk Rock

I may be late jumping on Yur Mum’s scuzzy punk rock bandwagon, but after feeling how deep the unique angle to their visceral edge cuts while they played in support of The Battery Farm and witnessing how they can merit the title of their latest LP, Duality, I discovered a duo that’s criminal to sleep on.

The way their Brazilian roots pull through the complex fusion of frenetic percussive rhythms creating a thunderous heartbeat pulsating through rapid and intricate cadences against the snarled basslines incited a riot of distinctly augmented annihilation.

Affectingly authentic to the core and so much more than the sum of their synergistically dualistic parts, Yur Mum is destined for bigger stages; the intuition into each other’s pandemonic energy is evidenced in every antagonised aural atom of their sound.

Two of the standout singles from the duo’s latest album, Anhangá and Hands to the Sky encompass the versatility of the London-based Brazilian duo comprising Anelise Kunz (bass/vox) and Fabio Couto (drums).

Hands to the Sky goes heavy, low down and dirty, and infectiously kinetic with the grooves that leave the rhythmic pulses in a vice grip as the bass lines whip up hypersonic fury around Anelise’s rock reverent vocals. Anhangá hits even harder, orbiting around profane levels of distortion while Anelise uses the gratifyingly discordant noise as the playground for her chameleonically charismatic presence.

Stream and purchase the Duality LP on Bandcamp.

Follow Yur Mum on Instagram or hit their official website for more info.

Review by Amelia Vandergast