Many artists attempt to infuse Alt Rock and Hip Hop in the hopes of creating a new sound, while the ingenuity is appreciated, not many can pull it off as well as Donald Jackston did with their latest single “Boundaries”.
Right from the start, you’re hooked in by the solid anthemically-charged rhythms which make Boundaries so much more than immersive. Boundaries is an intensely arrestive experience which almost teases a massive build-up and drop, but keeps the tempo steady right the way through.
The instrumental experimentalism is one thing, the magnetically connectable lyrics are quite another. If we’re all being honest with ourselves, we could all do with working on our boundaries, Donald Jackston’s single is a stark but softly resolving reminder.
You can check out Donald Jackston’s sticky-sweet Alt-Rock earworm for yourselves by heading over to SoundCloud now.
Review by Amelia Vandergast