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Devontaii has unveiled his latest tenderly solicitous RnB single and music video, My Side

By teaming up with the video director BOWJACK, the up-and-coming RnB luminary, Devontaii, cooked up a soulfully rhythmic evocative firestorm with his latest single and music video, My Side, which is the opening track to his third album, LoversOnly2. 

Only after hearing it, did it dawn on us how self-obsessed RnB and soul singles tend to be; the visceral compassion worked into the lyricism hits tear-jerkingly hard, establishing Devontaii as one of the sweetest solicitous RnB artists of this era. It isn’t often that artists manage to leave their ego by the wayside while penning lyrics, but Devontaii is standing at the vanguard of empathy-driven soul in the euphoric revelation that is his latest single.

By using “she don’t want to hurt no more” as a reprise during the chorus in the moody, reverb-y indie pop-spliced single, the singer, songwriter and producer offered sonic sanctuary to everyone who has endured toxic relationship dynamics. The tenderness of the single resonates on a profound level; we can’t rate Devontaii’s ability to better the world with his talents enough.

The official music video for My Side has already racked up 14k streams; jump on the hype via YouTube.

Review by Amelia Vandergast