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Azure Kai

Azure Kai strikes again with her illustriously authentic single, The Cakepop Song

Azure Kai cranked up the creativity in her latest imaginatively narrative release, The Cakepop Song; if anyone deserves to be revered as the Frank Zappa of this era, it is her with her quaintly endearing vignettes and visionary melodies.

80s-esque soul resounds in the atmosphere of the off-the-cuff alt-pop track that portrays the maladies of a middle school student being snubbed by his crush around the soaring Prince-reminiscent guitar solos and the crescendos that are just as consuming as the ones orchestrated by Queen.

Finding the perfect balance between theatrics and contemporary pop panache, Azure Kai effortlessly succeeded in spinning yet another superlatively synthesised tale that reaches the pinnacle of escapism music. We can’t wait to hear what follows as the Monmouth University student progresses through what is set to be an illustriously authentic career.

The Cakepop Song is now available to stream on Spotify.

Review by Amelia Vandergast

Azure Kai is intoxicating in their pseudo-trap hit, Fine Wine 

Azure Kai kicked off their latest single, Fine Wine, by riding the vaporwave trend and running through with pseudo-trap percussion before the RnB-spliced hit starts to lavish the single with soul.
Many experimental artists solely rely on genre fluidity to make a distinctive mark on the musical landscape, but that is only the start for Azure Kai; beyond their creative versatility is the core of Kai’s authenticity. Their infectiously playful approach to their witty wordplay works in parallel to their sense of humour, which would give most stand-up comedians a run for their money.
Fine Wine ripped up the rulebook of traditional love songs; the un-archetypal hit is infinitely more arrestive for it, all thanks to Kai’s uninhibited expressive style, which throws pretence to the wayside to expose the heart on their superlative sleeve.
Stream Fine Wine on YouTube.
Review by Amelia Vandergast

Azure Kai went hypersonic with her latest alt earworm, Gotta Get the Girl

Utilising her inherent passion for creativity, the artist and Monmouth University student Azure Kai went hypersonic with her latest alternative earworm, Gotta Get the Girl. With a beatboxing and record-scratching prelude, it was an easier-said-than-done feat to keep the energy just as high through the release, but the momentum never falters in the melting pot of genre and style.

From frantic EDM synthetics to funk-dripping basslines to Eastern rhythms and classical strings to syncopated pseudo-trap, this amalgamated tour de force is an all too welcome attack on the rhythmic pulses. Let the track take control and you will soon feel as exhilarant as this declaration of determined passion sounds.

The honeyed and harmonised vocal lines which wrap their soul around the reprise, “gotta get the girl” create a quintessential magnetic centre of gravity in the turbulently pioneering hit.

Stream Gotta Get the Girl on Spotify.

Review by Amelia Vandergast