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Audric Pinder

Audric Pinder revived RnB’s golden era with ‘The Moment I Laid Eyes on You’

Audric Pinder’s latest single, ‘The Moment I Laid Eyes on You,’ is a veritable aural rapture for RnB fans weary of the genre’s modern iterations that often assimilate and echo the vibes of Frank Ocean and The Weeknd. Pinder separates himself from the crowd with his distinct blend of honeyed harmonies and diehard romanticism. His production chops shine as he infuses salacious soul into every beat while ensuring the purity of his sound remains undiluted.

The track is a euphonic meditation on love’s ability to elevate us above the mundane material world. It offers a refreshing escape into the arms of romance, where every harmony is an avenue of affection to explore. The backing vocals perfectly complement the main lines, amplifying the arcane energy of the single, which embodies the deep reverie of falling irresistibly in love.

Instrumentally, ‘The Moment I Laid Eyes on You’ is a respectful nod to the soul-stirring rhythms of the 80s and 90s RnB, a period revered for its rich, emotive layers while Pinder’s vocal arrangements offer innovation for anyone craving originality in their RnB repertoire.

The Moment I Laid Eyes on You is now available to stream on all major platforms, including YouTube.

Review by Amelia Vandergast