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All Summer

Rampage Wood scorched the airwaves with luxe hip-hop hit, All Summer

Rampage Wood didn’t come to play in his latest single, All Summer, he came to conquer. Since his 2018 debut, the Arkansas underground has failed to conceal his luminary sound which has amassed a loyal international audience.

All Summer glows with the aesthetics of 00s East Coast hip-hop to belie his Southern roots which pulled through stronger in his earlier material, influenced by the likes of Lil Wayne. With gospel-esque cinematic transcendence enveloping the beats, the hit is sublime on the senses and pushes a unique dynamic behind Wood’s provoking lyricism.

As one of the most cerebral rappers in the game, his flows are finessed with witty intellect; his ability to catch you off-guard with the lyrical gold in every bar is unmatched. With flawless metric precision and swathes of charisma to energise his delivery, you can’t help but get hyped by All Summer, which carries the luxe appeal of Jay-Z’s hits while blazing through the heat in Rampage Wood’s authenticity.

All Summer was officially released on June 3rd, it is now available to stream on all major platforms via this link.

Review by Amelia Vandergast