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Alberta Rock

Jordyn Rayne captured the zeitgeist of digital culture with ‘1-800-Cyber-Bully’

In her latest seminal single, 1-800-Cyber-Bully, the indomitable breakthrough icon, Jordyn Rayne, lyrically modernised rock n roll while staying reverent to the roots of the genre.

With a powered-by-dynamism voice to rival Donita Sparks of L7 and Joan Jett, Jordyn Rayne proved her mettle as a rock vocalist in the hit that pours with conviction as it berates antagonists who spinelessly sink their teeth into their victims behind the security of screens.

The emotional underpinnings of 1-800-Cyber-Bully serve as a tragic sign of the times, yet, rock has always served to speak for the disenfranchised and Rayne affectingly carried the genre’s rebellious legacy on the overdriven crunched chords in this high-octane hit that ticks all the right rock boxes and distinguishes Rayne as an artist unafraid to lend her ferocity to fighting injustice.

Whichever vanguard she stands at next, one thing is for sure, the Alberta-hailing visionary is worth keeping at the front and centre of your memory if you seek sanctuary in hair-raising rock anthems.

1-800-Cyber-Bully was officially released on June 7th; stream the single on all major platforms and follow Jordyn Rayne via this link.

Review by Amelia Vandergast