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Settle into an ancient empire with Aklash’s cabalistic black metal single, Babylon

Few true black metal fans will need an introduction to Aklash after their 14-year European reign, yet their expansively styled baroque single, Babylon, prised from their LP, Reincarnation, carries cabalistic cross-over appeal through folk metal finesses and progged-up grooves that ensure that this juggernaut of a single brings plenty more than brutality.

The evocation of tribally kinetic rhythms within the frenetically cultivated progressions fused with the larger-than-material-reality vocal performance puts Aklash on the same convivial level as Nekrogoblikon and Turisas. Instead of merely witnessing the intensity, the immensity of the release uses your soul as a crawlspace, ensuring that passive appreciation is implausible as you attempt to keep pace with the accelerated instrumentals.

If Babylon sets the standard for the rest of the Reincarnation LP, which signifies a rebirth of the band that has thrown black metal traditionalism to the wayside to fully lean into the virtuosity of each member, it’s safe to assume that Aklash won’t just be touring with black metal royalty in the future, they’ll have the most gilded seat at the throne.

Stream the official music video for Babylon which premiered on May 2nd on YouTube.

Review by Amelia Vandergast