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An In-Depth Interview with Georgina White on Her Unique Sonic Journey and Artistic Versatility

Georgina White took time away from her versatile artistic career to share how she discovered and refined her unique sonic identity, one that beautifully melds old-school soul with a diverse range of influences—from classical to folk and jazz. The conversation reveals the eclectic nature of Georgina’s music but also her profound connection to her artistic roots and the personal evolution that shapes her craft. From early influences watching her mother perform opera, to her own experiences on the West End stage and her explorations during the pandemic, Georgina’s career is a testament to perseverance and artistic amalgamation. Her narrative offers a fascinating glimpse into how her multifaceted career in music and acting intertwines and influences her creative output and performance style.

Georgina White, welcome to A&R Factory! Your artistic identity appears as fascinating as your eclectic imbued with old-school soul discography. Your sonic signature resonates with a rare authenticity; did finding your characteristic tone come easily to you? 

Hi Amelia! That’s a great question and thank you, that’s a huge compliment… I spent a long time searching for my authenticity and sonic sound; I now believe I always had it within me but it’s taken years of playing various roles, singing in so many different styles throughout my career and using all this experience to create my own authentic sound.

As you said, my style is certainly eclectic – I’ve always sang from the soul but with classical influences from my opera singing mum and folk playing grandparents. Add some sultry jazz/blues, theatrical playfulness and a powerful belt and there’s my signature tone!

You clearly thrive in the spotlight, when did your creative desires start to shape your reality? 

I spent a lot of my childhood watching mum on stage being an absolute vocal powerhouse. I was mesmerised; it was vibrant, exciting and empowering. I knew I had to follow suit – not in opera but performing in many different ways. I was cast in a West End show when I was 15 and it all took off from there.  I started writing a lot of my own material during the pandemic when I escaped to my home studio for peace of mind.

You’ve succeeded in your acting and music career; how do you find these disciplines and talents influence each other? 

They’ve always been incredibly intertwined; I’ve worked consistently as an actor/ musician in theatre since graduating from RADA so it’s influenced the way I think. Words come to me easier over music. I can understand what’s going on in my life a lot more when there’s background music playing!

When acting, I will always do a vocal warm-up before a performance to ensure my voice has its true range and sometimes I’ll sing my lines in practice to find colour and flavour.

Does your ability to embody a wide range of characters as an actress help you to bring your lyrical characters to life more vividly?

Definitely. Each song I now release feels like it’s performed by a different character; a contrasting layer. But they all add together to create something whole. Me.

You’re well on your way to becoming revered in London’s live music scene after performing at Toulouse Lautrec Jazz Club and the Moustache Bar in Dalston, what can your fans expect from your live performances? 

They can expect a very eclectic set! Originals from the heart accompanied by a live band or me on keys. Cover mash-ups going from blues to rock that will make you want to bop and (depending on the show) a variety of musical theatre characters that will make you laugh and cry. I also play sax and bassoon!

You’ve also been quite a hit on the airwaves since releasing your debut single in 2021. In your opinion, what is it about your sound which speaks to a wide audience? 

I sing from the soul and I say it as it is, so hopefully that. I’ve also been around a while, faced a lot of rejection and really worked my ass off. I’ve had 2 number 1s in the UK Chart of Gold with my soul covers which has been a dream come true.

I’ve been told I’m good at atmospheric storytelling and I like to play with vocal styles and tones so hopefully the audience is kept engaged. My more peaceful music has been described as therapeutic too.

I think, perhaps, they don’t know what I’ll do next… Nor do I sometimes! I work with my talented and experienced producers at Creative and Dreams Music Network to figure out what the next step is.

Looking forward, how do you envision the next chapter of your artistic journey? 

I’m so incredibly grateful for everything I’ve achieved and experienced so far. I’m looking forward to more growth as an artist; more writing, experimenting and understanding myself and what I want to say. Being brave. Oh, and an album is on its way!

I’ve been playing at festivals this Summer (Old Town Live is next on 27th July) and I have more theatre coming up later this year too (that I can’t talk about yet!). I’ll be working towards a solo tour of the UK and hopefully internationally too.

Can your fans look forward to more new music from you this year?

Absolutely. I’ve got ready recorded singles up my sleeve, it’s now all about timing. I’ve been on the road for 9 months with theatre productions so having a little rest before it all takes off again! Thank you so much for listening!

Listen to Georgina White’s latest single, LOVE, on Spotify now.

Interview by Amelia Vandergast

Interview with Keilene: Unveiling the Multitalented Artist Behind ‘Lips’

Keilene’s artistic journey is nothing short of extraordinary. From her roots in Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico, to her current status as a rising star, Keilene has continually pushed the envelope in music, dance, modelling, and acting. Her latest single ‘Lips’ is a culmination of her unique blend of cultural influences and creative passion. In this exclusive interview, she bares her inspirations, and exposes what ignites her unflinching passion for the arts. Prepare to explore the mind of a true creative powerhouse and discover what makes Keilene a force to be reckoned with in the industry.

Welcome to A&R Factory, Keilene! We are thrilled to have such a multifaceted and dynamic artist join us. With your latest single Lips freshly released, we can’t wait to dive into your creative universe.  First off, can you tell us about your early life in Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico, and how it has influenced your artistic journey?

Wow, where do I start?! Well, I was born at San Juan Municipal Hospital Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico. My mom is Taino-Puerto Rican and my biological father Afro-Puerto Rican, but my dad who raised me is Jamaican. I moved to Coral Springs, Florida when I was quite young, however, my culture is invariably embedded in me through family, food, and of course, music. Music has always been at the forefront of every moment in my life, whether it be on family holidays with us dancing bachata in the living room, or turning up the volume to Alicia Keys while we clean house on a Sunday morning. At every turn, I am fascinated by how music can put color in the air.

You’ve built a diverse career spanning music, dance, modelling, and acting. What motivated you to explore so many different creative fields?

To others, it might seem overwhelming, but I see them all having the same common denominator, creating through expression. My motivation stems from my experiences of anxiety and depression during my adolescence, but throughout the years, I’ve learned to transmute those heavy emotions into divine inspiration as a result of the arts. Creating became a space for devotion.

Which of your creative endeavours do you find the most gratifying, and why?

That’s an easy answer. It’d have to be singing. I find myself reaching into the deepest depths of my soul and giving my all when my voice fills the room. It’s such a powerful feeling.

What was the inspiration behind your new single, Lips, and what message do you hope it conveys to your listeners?

I love this question! At my core, I am sentimental. I become enchanted by tender emotions in matters of love. I wanted to write an ode for that special someone in their life and embrace what it means to feel that, given the soft jazz tones. This song I hold dearly to my heart.

Working with notable artists like Beth Cohen must be an incredible experience. How has her mentorship influenced your music career?

Great question! First off, Beth is a phenomenal coach! Her teachings have brought confidence and vigor to my vocals like no other. She is a distinct means that has honed my instrument as well as the guide for me to navigate the music industry.

You recently landed a role in the horror/thriller, Bloodline Killer; how does acting compare to your experiences in music and dance? 

Being part of a great crew on set for Bloodline Killer allowed me the insight to see variations of me in the world of acting. It was such a fun experience diving into an all-ears and tenacious character like “Sergeant Keily”. Though acting is new territory for me, the opportunity to convey through diverse outlets has expanded the possibilities within my career.

What drives you to continually push the boundaries in your artistic career?

Interesting question! I’ve come to realize I’m not the same me I was five years ago, or three months ago. Sure, my values and soul are the drivers of this vehicle, but I continue to amaze myself with how I unravel greater versions of who I am meant to be. That will be the fuel to my success.

How do you want to make your mark on the music industry, and what legacy do you hope to leave behind?

This is beautiful. I’ve thought about this a lot. I aim to empower women to spark a flame within their spirits and realize the power they hold. Any opposition you face is a step towards your greatest achievements!

Stream Lips on Spotify now.

Discover more about Keilene via her official website.

Interview by Amelia Vandergast

Hanging by a Thread: Ariana Molkara senses they’re messing with her head on the outstanding I Don’t Wanna Drown

Feeling the space between herself and a lover who she loves but is worried about showing her true feelings for fear of rocking the boat overboard, Ariana Molkara sings with the kind of gloriously classy energy to put shivers on the spines of those who want to be happy in love on I Don’t Wanna Drown.

Ariana Molkara is a radiantly exceptional award-winning Los Angeles-based 19-year-old singer-songwriter, actress and UPenn Wharton ‘27 student who has that extra hunger in her sparkling eyes which has her believing in her abilities.

Previously known best for her roles in Septembers of Shiraz and as Darby in WARPED!, Ariana Molkara is utterly mesmerising on I Don’t Wanna Drown and might cause hearts to flutter in abundance. This is the kind of honest single with a breathtaking beat, to catapult emotions into a reflective gaze of wonder at what the possibilities could be.

I Don’t Wanna Drown from your new favourite Southern California-born pop/EDM singer and actress Ariana Molkara is a rather special effort from a massively talented creative. She puts her heart and soul into this one of the results are supremely excellent no matter what genre you usually consume.

Having that lifejacket close for two is always a smart idea.

Turn this up on full volume with Spotify.

See more of her growing career reaching the top on IG.

Reviewed by Llewelyn Screen

Audacity will be your motto: Ayekpa urges us to cut out the noise on Adrenaline Rush (Freakin’Out)

Fairly new to the music world but showing us her spirited nature and calming confidence, Ayekpa might shock many back into place via the tremendously exhilarating debut single Adrenaline Rush (Freakin’Out).

Ayekpa is a UK-based French indie afro-pop singer-songwriter and actress who sizzles with a captivating sound which will heal all frightened hearts due to her genuine vibrancy.

A multi-talented creative who seems to have the world at her tapping feet, Ayekpa shows us how to be successful in vanquishing the demons and rising above those sneaky clouds. Vocally exciting and capsulizing a finger-clicking beat, this is a winner of a single.

Adrenaline Rush (Freakin’Out) from UK-based French indie afro-pop singer-songwriter and actress Ayekpa is a catchy output of much quality which has perfect timing and guides us away from those noisy forces who are trying to bring us all down.

Closing the door on bad energy and bouncing us far from the bad vibes which help no one, we are delighted to the core by a spectacular single which seems to sound better each time it’s played.

Listen up on Spotify to sizzle the ears.

Find out more on the IG music page.

Reviewed by Llewelyn Screen

I Am Alone: Sarah Anne Fernandez drops a dynamic sad girl anthem with her extraordinary first single Drowning

Feeling so alone in this rather strange world that can hide you away from where you wish to be, Sarah Anne Fernandez bravely swims away from the dangerous rocks of self-doubt and sings with a pure energy that shall send you into a dreamy state on her excellent debut, Drowning.

Sarah Anne Fernandez is a New York City-based indie pop singer-songwriter and cookie baker who loves to create change and makes mood-altering music to heal with.

Urging herself to not crash even when her lungs feel like they are about to suffocate, Sarah Anne Fernandez stays afloat on a special single that would make Taylor Swift proud.

Sung with a splendid energy that urges herself to be stronger and a role model to others who need her right now, this is an ear-soothing experience to feel so inspired by when the going gets tough.

Drowning from New York City-based indie pop artist and actor Sarah Anne Fernandez is such a powerful single from a rising creative who certainly loves the big stages. Her vocals are rather spellbinding, and each note is executed to perfection by a supreme talent who performs with such magnificence.

Staying above water in this wild world is a tough journey that requires the utmost reliance.

Hear this spectacular release on Spotify and find out more about her exciting life on IG.

Reviewed by Llewelyn Screen

Heart Is Feeling Warm: Trinity Bliss dreams of those happy days again on the soul-healing California Sun

Sung with such smile-filled charm and enduring innocence, Trinity Bliss reminds herself to fall in love with those exciting days that seemingly never end on her gorgeous new single California Sun.

Trinity Bliss is a 13-year-old West Coast, USA-based indie pop singer-songwriter and actress who is best known for her roles in HBO Max’s The Garcias, and Apple TV+’s Best Foot Forward.

The morning sun on my face feels like childhood. No anxiety, just freedom and innocence! Every day I get older, yet the sun feels the same. I wrote this song about trying to get back to that perfect state of childhood but as your older self…” ~ Trinity Bliss guiding us into the vision of her latest gem

An exceptional talent who seems to have that modest nature that is so often lacking in a selfish time, Trinity Bliss is such a joy to witness. Her vocals shine above and reveal a ray of sunshine throughout this lovely anthem, that shall find us all searching for that ideal time in our lives.

This song went through so many changes, like it was constantly growing with me. I didn’t come back to it for nearly a year – I thought I’d outgrown it. But then I realised I needed it. When I got back to working on it, it quickly became my anthem for childhood!” ~ Trinity Bliss explaining how to the process of this track returned to life

California Sun from West Coast, USA-based indie pop artist and actress Trinity Bliss is such a splendid soundtrack to those merry days that will never be forgotten. Inspiring us all to recall our youth through this cinematic-like story, without letting this oft-cold world freeze our spirit no matter what. Trinity excels in all facets here and shows us we can indeed bury the past and retrain our minds into only seeing the positive vibrations.

Looking to the sky to heal all worries is the best way to stay young after all.

Hear this positive song on Spotify and find out more about this rising star on IG.

Reviewed by Llewelyn Screen

Long Island RnB artist Amornay seduces our senses awake with her romantic call to action, ‘You Want Me’

With an alluring blend of vocal beauty to open up your mind to the romantic possibilities that are ready for action, Amornay is on top form with a love letter that can’t possibly be ignored with, ‘You Want Me‘.

Anaysha Robinson aka Amornay is an emerging Long Island, New York, USA-based indie RnB solo artist and actress who makes a lovable combination of body-tingling vibrations to lather inside.

Using an authentic and creative approach to breaking herself as a new artist.” ~ Amornay

Amornay has the kind of voice that has your stomach breathing butterflies – as there is so much sexy energy on offer – that will bring unforeseen smiles to your whole soul. With a story about wondering why your ideal lover curiously hates that they love you, this is a single that might resonate with those who have perhaps fallen in love with the wrong person.

You Want Me‘ from Long Island, New York-based indie RnB solo artist and actress Amornay is a sizzling song that will get your heart rate up to sensational levels of fascination. Her lyrics are honest and her vocal tremendously captivating, as her ravishing style takes you into this candle-lit moment that might steam up your ears.

When you know that someone you like is into you, anything is actually possible if you feel the same and can keep the connection alive despite their doubts.

Listen up to this stimulating new release on Spotify and check out the IG page for more.

Reviewed by Llewelyn Screen

Who Will Be There: Melanie Peterson has us wondering about that kiss on ‘May I Have Your Midnight?’

As she glances next to her to see if that special person is there to give her that sweet and tender kiss she yearns for, Melanie Peterson sings with so much love on the hand-holding new single called ‘May I Have Your Midnight?‘.

Melanie Peterson is a Toronto, Canada-based, Saskatoon-born indie folk/pop singer-songwriter and actress who has a lovely vocal ability that has you feeling so much warmth and genuineness right beside you.

I aimed to match Melanie’s soft vocal lilt with tender instrumentation while dancing under an ethereal parasol. It’s cinematic and shimmering, with no big drums, just a heartbeat pulse. I wanted to showcase not just a beautiful song, but a beautiful voice. I feel it worked.” ~ Derek Downham

With souls soaring joyously into the beautiful blue sky above, Melanie Peterson shows us that dreams can still really come true. She performs like someone who undoubtedly believes in that magic that only your gut can perceive, as your eyes spark and sense that something rather ravishing is about to happen.

May I Have Your Midnight?‘ from the Toronto, Canada-based, Saskatoon-born indie folk/pop singer-songwriter and actress Melanie Peterson, is a charming single that hopes for that special kiss when the clock is about to switch into a whole new year of possibilities. This is a pleasing experience from a lusciously-tipped vocalist who sings with such a kindhearted style – that shall have your pulse racing rather quickly – as you imagine locking lips with someone who wants to be close with you on this special occasion.

Hear this sweet new single on Soundcloud and see more via the IG music page.

Reviewed by Llewelyn Screen

My Self-Expectation: Anna Winthrop sings with her whole heart on the beautiful ‘All Of Me’

As she fearlessly transitions from making a living in the performing arts and theater landscape to now being an independent musician, Anna Winthrop is absolutely excellent on ‘All Of Me‘.

Anna Winthrop is a New York City-based indie Alt-Jazz solo musician, composer, pianist, actress, vocal coach, Mom and formerly a classically trained dancer.

All of Me’ speaks to the inner challenges faced on this journey with a vulnerable and intimate message.” ~ Anna Winthrop

You feel like this is a really special effort – with an admirably focused multi-creative with the wind at her sails – as she lets us into the story about the expectations which she has set for herself. She realizes that this is exactly where she needs to be at this stage of her life, as the trust to do what is best, overrides all other emotions.

After performing live at some of Manhattan’s most iconic clubs, Anna Winthrop has written and self-recorded her ambitious debut album titled ‘Coming Home’. ‘All of Me’ is the first in a long rollout of singles leading to the album’s release and provides an initial glimpse into her distinct voice as a songwriter.” ~ Anna Winthrop

All Of Me‘ from the sumptuously elegant and multi-talented NYC solo indie Alt-Jazz artist and former classical dancer Anna Winthrop, shows us a courageous woman who has decided to reinvent herself and gives her all on such a glorious song. With a peaceful ambiance, an honest tone, crisp vocals and a heightened motivation to be the best she can be – this is a nostalgic single that will have you closing your eyes – and truly embracing the magnificent beauty intertwined.

Hear this wonderfully classy new release on Spotify and find out more about this truly world class artist via her IG.

Reviewed by Llewelyn Screen

It Never Rains: Katie Belle takes us to the sexy sun-soaked beach on ‘Back to California’ (feat. Corleone)

Made by her producer Josquin Des Pres, Katie Belle has us thinking about those hot racing hearts beating rapidly as you fall in love and wish you could stay forever on ‘Back to California(feat. Corleone).

Katie Belle is an Atlanta, Georgia-based indie Pop singer-songwriter, model and actress. She was formally on American Idol in 2019 and is also the lead singer of her band Color the Night.

Featuring the confident raps of well-known South-East London Hip-Hop artist Corleone, this is a steamy track all about being in the moment and being so grateful you can be in such a beautiful place, with sweaty bodies and good times everywhere you look. The mood is alive and bright with the negative emotions locked away, as the beat kicks up the sand and has you jumping happily into the sea to enjoy yourself.

Back to California(feat. Corleone) from the fast-rising Atlanta, Georgia-based indie Pop singer-songwriter, model and actress Katie Belle, is that party track to play when you need a boost to get away from your reality. Featuring crisp vocals and confident rhymes, this is the kind of sizzling song to play when you are in that pool or down by the crisply-blue ocean.

Looking around and taking it all in, is the only way to live after all.

Hear this hot new summer track on Spotify and see more news via her IG music page.

Reviewed by Llewelyn Screen