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00s Pop Punk

The Robot’s Guide to Living – Prizefighter: pop-punk that lives and breathes radical energy

Mayday by The Robot's Guide to Living

Last year, Utah’s most lyrically poignant pop-punk outfit, The Robot’s Guide to Living, hit the airwaves with their life-affirming single, ‘Prizefighter’, which opened up with the line; “What’s the point in being scared? My bloodline contains more than disappointment.” If that doesn’t seismically shift your perspective on everything we have endured over the last 12 months, I’m not sure anything will.

With “You’ll find me asleep, in better company” as one of the choral hook lines, you’ll be adrenalized by the relatability in the lyricism as much as the furore that emits from their nuanced take on old school pop-punk.

Prizefighter comes free from snotty self-apathy; it’s a record that lives and breathes radical energy, like many of The Robot’s Guide to Living’s fans, we’re here for it. Existentialism is easy; overcoming adversity and doing it with finesse isn’t – and that’s exactly what you’ll get to experience here.

Prizefighter is now available to stream and download via Bandcamp.

Review by Amelia Vandergast