Slip away from material reality with the artfully nostalgic escapism in Gaud’s seminal release, Prose for the Cradle

With Prose for the Cradle, the prodigal sons of New England, Gaud, defied temporal boundaries, transporting listeners into a dreamscape where the lines between past and present are synthesised into a seraphic sonic sensation.

Taken from the LP The Singer, the track evokes an ambiguous era of melodic rock, yet resists the urge to be pinned down by any particular moment in music history. Instead, it invites you into a space where emotion takes precedence over all else, allowing you to lose yourself in its all-consuming and consoling atmosphere.

The production carries all the hallmarks of a time when songwriters poured every drop of their hearts and souls into their craft. The melodies, artful and ascending, intertwine beautifully with percussion that feels almost like an additional pulse in your body, leaving your own heartbeat to take a backseat. Gaud’s vocal delivery is nothing short of hypnotic, wrapping you in a vignette where material reality fades away and only the sound remains.

For fans of Father John Misty’s songwriting chops, Prose for the Cradle will undoubtedly strike a chord. Its poignant cuts will leave a lasting impression, sticking to your synapses with a tenacity that makes the track impossible to shake.

Prose for the Cradle is now available to stream on Spotify with Gaud’s LP, The Singer.

Review by Amelia Vandergast

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