Azure Kai

Azure Kai went hypersonic with her latest alt earworm, Gotta Get the Girl

Utilising her inherent passion for creativity, the artist and Monmouth University student Azure Kai went hypersonic with her latest alternative earworm, Gotta Get the Girl. With a beatboxing and record-scratching prelude, it was an easier-said-than-done feat to keep the energy…

Adrien Craig: A Villian on the Microphone

Adrien Craig, also known as Adrienne Sky, is a talented singer-songwriter hailing from Charleston, North Carolina. With her unique blend of bluegrass, R&B, and hip-hop influences, she captivates audiences with her sassy vocals and compelling performances. You can find…

Kameron Waller

Get close to Kameron Waller with his psycho-sonic soul single, Therapy

As smooth, sultry, and cinematic as the most iconic items in D’Angelo’s discography, the standout single, Therapy, from Kameron Waller’s EP, Rose Coloured Lens, is a postcard to 80s nostalgia, signed, sealed, and delivered with modernist lyricality. If you…