Idkjack Has Taken Rock and Hip Hop Genre-Mashing to the Next Level with “Blow”

Idkjack is to Hip Hop what Sonic Youth are to Rock, and there’s a sentence I never thought I would have to write. In their latest melodically transfixing single “Blow” there’s the instant affirmation that they possess an illimitable reserve of experimentalism. Blow stands as a testament to their ability to pour expressive ingenuity into a soundscape to create distinctive serotonin-boosting Alt Hip Hop.

With Indie Rock melodies against solid Hip Hop beats and idkjack’s emotively compelling velvety vocals, you’ve never hit play on a track quite like Blow before. They’ve taken the genre-mashing of Rock and Hip Hop to the next level, and it’s going to be all too exciting to see what comes next from the up and coming artist.

You can check out idkjack’s latest single Blow for yourselves by heading over to Spotify now.

Review by Amelia Vandergast


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