I AM Cricchi unveiled his soul in his genre-defying journey of an LP, The Road Back

In his fourth album, The Road Back, the chart-topping urban evocateur I AM Cricchi locked and loaded enough heavy emotional artillery to wage war on the airwaves. The release is a continuation of his commitment to drawing out poison through self-expression, resulting in a visceral anthology that fervently spans the entire emotional spectrum. Stylistically, Cricchi organically matches the psychological dynamism by seamlessly shifting between and melding elements of hip-hop, country, trap, RnB and pop; never assimilating his influences, Will Smith, Nelly, Kid Rock, John Mayer, Alan Jackson, Jelly Roll and Colt Ford, but emulating their ability to melodically envelop you within their emotional projections.

Even after the opening single, Deep Thoughts, the weight of the album that strips the Maryland-born, Texas-based artist’s soul bare, rests heavy. Yet, none of the vulnerable confessionalism within the lyrics or aching sonic motifs feels overbearing or oppressive. Instead, you fall into his world, living vicariously through the palpably cathartic dialectics, torn between intense empathy and revelling in the resonance in his authentic performance as he relives the raw feelings that became precipices to lyrically jump off.

I Gotta Grow is one of the testaments to the resilience required to overcome addiction, envision a better life and fulfil it; after losing himself to substance abuse, Cricchi practices what he preaches; it may not be your average gospel, but it can lead anyone walking to that path to salvation. Fortitude is a theme that echoes throughout the release which expertly uses euphonic acoustic elements and spatial effects to open up enough room for the emotional core for each of the singles to break through to the surface and stick with you for long after the final track fades.

Featuring a stellar line-up of collaborators, including Gringo the MC in Current Situation, Bubbly Galloway in Some Days, Jordan Meyer in Emotions, and Pirscription in Sorry I’m Late, The Road Back is a rare record where you won’t dare to skip a track.

The Road Back LP dropped on May 3rd; stream the emotionally expansive release on Spotify.

Read our interview with I AM Cricchi here.

Review by Amelia Vandergast

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