Everything is Nothing ignited an industrial metal inferno with ‘fire breathe on me’

Everything is Nothing’s latest single, Fire Breathe on Me, aurally industrialises metal to deliver a cauterising anthem for anyone who wants to purge themselves from their own mind. The industrial electronica aesthetics are stripped back in the production, beckoning in a new era of hardcore; when they hit, they establish Everything is Nothing as one of the fiercest contenders in the past and present of industrial metal.

The unhallowed vocals prowl through the single, finding the gritty middle ground between Godflesh and Napalm Death, and attesting to the solo artist’s tenacity in chartering his own path through extreme sonic intersections.

Established in early 2023, Everything is Nothing quickly made his mark with the ravening furore in his debut EP, Beast Who Eats Everything, before exposing his cerebrally nihilistic side in his sophomore EP, Somnambulist, which explored the enduring emptiness and subjugation that bays at everyone’s door.

The latest single from the solo project, born in the mind of the UK one-man powerhouse, James Orez, embodies a raw and visceral intensity that belies the home-recorded production. It’s a relentless, uncompromising experience that you’ll want to relive every time you need a reprieve from the weight of crushing sentience.

The official music video for fire breathe on me is now available to stream on YouTube.

Review by Amelia Vandergast

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