The days of storytelling may be a lost art, lyricism, and genuine songwriting may be all but extinct these days; and while we sit and scratch our heads over today’s music we have to ponder of what or who exactly is up next? Enter Etches’ and their single “Human Façade,” a strumatic instrumental with very little instrumentation but a very strong bassline. A pivotal story of sexual exploitation and the effects of being viscerally reactive versus proactive.
It’s a good track, actually it’s a great track with a somewhat skeletal bass that slowly rises to a climatic progression. The lead singer is impassioned and embodies a sound of true artistry; couple that with the musical score they have managed to create – and this may be one of the best culminations of simplistic sounds and musical elements I’ve heard in a long time. Their sound is progressive rock, psychedelic harmonies, and electro/pop bass lines and to be honest they remind me of a modern day, Tears for Fears. Their sound is infectious and can’t wait to hear more of the musical ear-gasm that for now we know as Etches.
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