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Pop Punk

Spotlight Feature: Bradley Peck extolled the virtue of living in the moment in the vibe-driven jangle pop-punk earworm, the most of tonight

Bradley Peck

Bradley Peck has once again proven his versatility and flair for tapping into the zeitgeist with his latest single, the most of tonight. Shifting gears from his earlier stylings, the Southend-On-Sea solo artist ventured over unchartered pop-punk territory to deliver an irresistibly infectious synthesis of euphoria and introspection.

In collaboration with Roman Styx, who mixed and mastered the track, Peck balanced genre-bending innovation with catchy quintessential pop-punk energy to strike the ultimate equilibrium. The earworm pulls you into its upbeat, vibe-driven universe with the jangle-pop guitar melodies which give the track an indie edge while the pop-punk undercurrent pulsates energy into the meticulously adrenalizing summer anthem.

Peck’s vocals, which never come close to slipping away from harmonised euphony, even in the sharp Blink-182 reminiscent cadences in the verses, become the ultimate vessel for advocation of seizing the day as they simultaneously evoke nostalgia for hedonistic days gone by and allow you to look through the rose-tinted glasses of youthful abandon.

Whether single transports you to the carefree days of youth or a recent memory worth holding onto, there’s no escaping the feel-good momentum perpetuated in the release that is all hooks and no breaks.

Bradley Peck Said

“I wanted to make a chill summer track that makes the listener feel young again; something everyone can relate to and feel some nostalgia with. The idea came to me after sinking a few, sitting back, looking at the night sky, and thinking how lucky we are to exist in this epoch. I wanted to convey that living in the moment is what life is all about; when the track started pulling together, I found myself experimenting with a brand-new genre for me. I’m so excited for this song to hit the airwaves!” 

the most of tonight will be available to stream on all major platforms from September 6th. Find your preferred way to listen and connect with Bradley Peck via this link.

Review by Amelia Vandergast

Marc Ambrosia rivalled Against Me in his queer pop-punk anthem, We Are Who We Are

For anyone whose true identities are continuously obscured by lenses of prejudice and misconception, Marc Ambrosia’s riff-raw pop-punk anthem, We Are Who We Are, is the definitive cure.

With an augmented-with-frenetic-exhilaration chorus and endless mantras to adopt for authentic empowerment, it is impossible to resist the intoxicating energy in the release which proves that Marc Ambrosia is just as adept at producing high-octane rock hits as he is when it comes to producing perennial pop earworms. And yet, his versatility is only the start of his expansive cross-over appeal which can easily establish the New Jersey singer-songwriter as one of the most essential queer artists of his generation.

Ambrosia’s forthcoming album, Gay & Proud, is shaping up to be as iconic as Against Me!’s Transgender Dysphoria Blues LP. The same visceral punk as fuck energy runs within the liberatingly protestive anthem which attests to how embracing your autonomy and flying your own flag is one of the most revolutionary acts a human is capable of.

In his own words, Marc Ambrosia iterated “It’s a song about individuality and nonconformity. People like to make assumptions about other people’s identities and they’re usually wrong.”

We Are Who We Are was officially released on August 16; stream the single on SoundCloud and visit Marc Ambrosia’s official website for more information on his upcoming album which is due to drop on August 30.

Review by Amelia Vandergast

Not From Concentrate crashed the alt-rock scene with their ska-grunge synthesis, You & I

Not From Concentrate promises the freshest sound in the NYC ska scene and the misft powerhouse definitively delivered with the release of their latest ska grunge hybrid, You & I, which showcases the group’s ability to blend fierce pop-punk bursts with tender, vulnerable harmonies, inviting listeners to experience every shade of emotion

For anyone who has ever let their walls down only to allow regret to build them again, this queer punk anthem is the ultimate consolation. Just as the artist’s moniker would lead you to believe, there’s nothing artificial about their sound; the visceral emotions mainlined into You & I are straight from the source.

By synthesising the sludge of grunge with the infectiously uplifting staccato chops of Ska, the Staten Island-hailing trio which is deeply entrenched in the NYC scene delivered a sonic revolution which shimmers with authenticity and raw power. Rounded off with a pioneeringly innovative guitar riff, You & I is a testament to their rightful place in the queer musical pantheon.

You & I was officially released on July 19; stream the single on Spotify now.

Review by Amelia Vandergast

Caitlin Lavagna prescribed an artfully amplified pop punk antidepressant with her latest single, Pretty Alright

As you crank up the volume in Caitlin Lavagna’s latest synthesis of art-pop and pop punk, Pretty Alright, the absolution amplifies to the nth degree as the singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist fervently strives to let loose the black dog and awaken her listener’s inner power.

The infectiously fiery reprise of “It will take time to feel pretty alright” in the electrifying riff-raw anthem attests to how patience is the ultimate virtue in the process of healing, yet everyone has an active role to play in the reclamation of their serotonin and self-esteem.

With a vocal presence that could rival any of the chart toppers, there’s no denying Caitlin Lavagna’s charisma which acts as a catalyst of resolution and salvation in Pretty Alright.

You just can’t help but succumb to enamourment when your senses are being stirred by her larger-than-material-reality energy and her songwriting stripes which are sliced with more hooks than a butcher’s shop.

Pretty Alright was officially released on July 11; stream the single on Spotify now.

Review by Amelia Vandergast

A&R Factory Checked the Punk Pulse of Dan Bibby & the Aesthetic Knobs in an Exclusive Interview Ahead of Their Debut LP

This week, we sat down with Dan Bibby & the Aesthetic Knobs as they make their ascent and become the premier pop punk powerhouse of this generation following the launch of their debut album Become More on July 24th. In this exclusive interview, we explore the band’s origins, the humorous genesis of their moniker and the evolution of their fast-paced punk roots.

Dan Bibby & the Aesthetic Knobs, welcome to A&R Factory! Before we get into discussing your upcoming releases, we have to know the story behind your moniker.

Haha, you’re not the first to ask and you surely won’t be the last. People’s minds often head straight for the gutter when they see our band name, and while we don’t blame them, there’s actually no filth intended!

It’s a reference to our first-ever rehearsal. Or, to put it more accurately, our bassist’s (Jay) audition. He’s since admitted he was very nervous, but all we could see was him struggling to work the amp in our practice space. He was just turning the knobs on the amp and they were doing nothing, and someone said they were just aesthetic knobs, which we jokingly said would make a good band name, and it stuck.

The reason it’s Dan Bibby AND the Aesthetic Knobs is because, initially, it was a solo artist and backing band situation, which very quickly changed as we became a four-piece collaborative band that wrote everything together. We just never changed the name. We’ve thought about changing it a few times. Who knows, maybe one day we might.

What brought you together as a band?

I had written an album I wanted to play live and needed to recruit some friends to help me pull it off. I was already in a cover band with Pete (drums) and Hagrid (guitar/vocals), so they were easy to find. I’d known Jay for a few years, and he reached out after I posted an ad for a bassist. As soon as we played one show together, we knew we’d found a stellar combination of people – even if we say so ourselves.

Which roles does everyone play, and to get to know you on a more intrinsically human level, what kinds of idiosyncrasies and neurosis does each member bring to the outfit?

As well as my guitar and vocal duties, I’m the main coordinator of the band. I make sure we stay on track with writing, rehearsals, organizing studio sessions, that sort of thing. We don’t have a manager right now, and there’s a surprising amount of admin and social media stuff for an independent band that I tend to take charge of too. I can get a little overbearing with it all, as I’m sure the other guys would agree, but I struggle to ever really switch off.

Hagrid is great at adding flair to key moments in songs, and even he’s admitted he doesn’t quite know what he’s doing in the moment! He has an incredibly improvisational approach to many aspects of being in a band, which generally tends to serve him and us well, but it can stress me the hell out.

Jay is one of the band’s biggest fans – by his own admission. So, he’s kind of like an embedded cheerleader for himself and all of us. He has a natural ability to inject enthusiasm into many situations where it can be difficult to stay motivated. He also has a knack for coming up with perfect solutions to crossroads during writing sessions. The downside? He likes to make up his own terminologies to refer to these brilliant ideas. So, it can take a while to translate what he’s saying.

We’re forever counting our blessings that we have a drummer like Pete. Not only is he great at his instrument, but we don’t have to share him with any other bands! Anyone in a band will know how rare it is to find a drummer who ticks both boxes. He can also be a bit of a hothead when he sets his mind on something. He’s not particularly immovable, but he does have a tendency to get his point in before everyone else, and he says it loud.

What can your fans expect from your debut album, Become More, which is due for release on the 24th of July? 

It’s something of a sonic rollercoaster. We tried to make sure every song was distinct, but that they still sounded like they were from the same record. It was a difficult balance to find, but I think we did it. For every hard-hitting, heavy moment, there’s a stretch of laid-back, fun periods. There are several flashes that I still think are brilliantly unexpected, but in a way that brings a smile to my face, so I hope others get that same feeling when they listen to it as well.

For those who’ve heard our older material, there’s still plenty of the rapid, punk rock stuff. But we’ve also thrown in some tracks that offer an artful breather over the course of the album.

Will your double-single release on the 17th of July set the tone of the album?

I wouldn’t say these two songs set the tone on their own, but they add to the tapestry of clues that the previous three singles have also helped create. There are a lot of different rock sub-genres on the album, so each song is another piece of the puzzle. Out of context, they could even be interpreted by some as being by completely different bands! But I also think there’s a tangible connection between them too. It’s the same four guys on all of these songs, and you can tell.

How has your sound evolved leading up to your LP? 

We used to very much get caught up on playing everything fast and loud, and you can hear that on our previous two EPs. It’s not a bad thing, as we still love playing fast and loud now, it’s just that we’ve made an effort to add extra strings to our bow for the album. We only really realized a few songs into writing that putting together an album isn’t identical to doing it for an EP. An EP can easily be four or five songs that are gone in the blink of an eye. We could easily have just carried on what we’ve always done – which we have, for some of the new songs – but where is the fun in retreading old ground?

Who are the main artists who provided a foundational influence for the album?

Our main shared love music-wise is all the pop-punk royalty bands from the 90s/00s. So, there’s a lot of that in there. However, we didn’t want to sound like we’d just written an album that would slot perfectly into that period. We’ve leaned into more modern rock bands who are kind of spiritual successors to some of our favourite bands. Acts like Hot Milk, Badflower, Mom Jeans, they all had an impact on how the new material sounds. We never make a conscious effort to sound like any band in particular, but it’s tough not to hear the influence when you listen back.

The album has been two years in the making and during that time you’ve also hit the road to go on tour twice, was it tough to balance honing your live sound and laying down the tracks?

It was relatively tricky, yeah. As I said, we play most songs a million miles an hour live, which isn’t something that always translates well to a studio recording. So, it was a struggle to reign ourselves in at times and remind ourselves that we can always speed it up a bit when we hit the stage again. Hagrid suggested fairly early on in the process that we needed to work the new songs into the sets so we could workshop them live, which really benefitted the material in the long run. On the whole, I think we balanced the end result really well. The songs will always sound more raw live I think, which is always good.

Who worked with you on the production and what did they bring to the table?

We went right back to our regular producer when we knew we wanted to record an album. His name is Tom “Dringy” Dring, and he’s recorded every single one of our songs so far. We’ve built up a great working relationship and friendship with Dringy over the years, and he’s increasingly less afraid to tell us when a take was shit and that we need to do it again. It’s a slap in the face every time, but one we welcome because it makes the end result the best it can be. He also laid down the sax solo in Deep Breath, which is one of my favourite moments on the entire album.

Our friend Pook also played the trombone part in Falling Like Flies. He’s in an insane ska/metal band called Redeemon, and he sent us the recording remotely, and we’re very grateful he found the time to help us out! Also a huge shoutout to Jen and Abi for helping us with the gang vocals in Deep Breath.

How does the album align with your broader career goals? 

The four of us are in this for the long haul, and I think spending every spare moment, penny, and ounce of energy we had on recording one album for two years helps prove that. There was never a moment when we considered giving up, or ever really got frustrated with the process. We’re incredibly proud of how it’s turned out, and it’ll take us beautifully into the next stage of what we hope to achieve – which is a whole goddamn lot. A debut album can help set the tone for a band, regardless of any previous releases, so we’ve given this one everything we’ve got.

Stream Dan Bibby & the Aesthetic Knobs on Spotify, and follow the band on Instagram and TikTok.

Interview by Amelia Vandergast

Midnite Special Evoked an Emo Renaissance in ‘Santiago’s’

The ache of the emo-dominated era of alt-rock endures through the solo project of South Wales hailing guitarist and vocalist, Liam Shevill. His latest venture, Midnite Special, is a visceral vessel to pay originated tribute to the sounds which shaped his multi-faceted talents and led to performances in seven countries alongside the likes of GBH, The Shell Corporation, and H20.

His debut album, Home-Made, kicks off with the electro-rock prelude in the seminal single, Santiago’s before the overdriven riffs rile rancour through the intimacy of the grungy lo-fi production that echoes the unfiltered intensity of Modern Baseball and Modern City Soundtrack. The pulsating rhythm section within the raw-with-angst release drives swathes of earworm appeal into the anthem of disillusion that oozes infectious authenticity.

After the release of the debut LP, featuring the Pavement-y Valentine’s Day single penned for his dog, plenty of people with an appetite for cultivated songwriting and discordant expressions of emotion will be ordering the Midnite Special.

Home-Made was officially released on June 19th; stream the album on Spotify now.

Review by Amelia Vandergast

Kaciny – Happy Thoughts: A Soulfully Sardonic Anthem for the Melancholic Soul

Kaciny’s debut single, Happy Thoughts, immediately strikes the senses with its pop-punk-esque staccato guitar chops before erupting into an anthem impaled by indie jangle pop hooks. The euphoric production is affectingly juxtaposed with bittersweet lyricism, offering a protest against the trite rhetoric often directed towards those with a natural proclivity for melancholy.

Kaciny’s soulfully sardonic grace in addressing this phenomenon sets her apart from her contemporaries. Her ability to capture the essence of ennui while simultaneously critiquing societal pressures to remain perpetually upbeat delivers a potent shot of vindication for listeners who struggle with their own black dog. The earworm is a visceral ride through the rage-fuelled frustrations of wanting acceptance as you are, pensive tendencies and all.

Brooklyn-born and Mississippi-based, Kaciny grew up surrounded by a musically accomplished family, which heavily influenced her artistic journey. Her background, combined with influences from bands like Bloc Party and Paramore, and artists such as Santigold and Dionne Farris, shapes her unique sound. By the age of 20, Kaciny had already made her mark as a songwriter for notable artists like Jordin Sparks and Chris Brown.

Happy Thoughts is a testament to Kaciny’s stripes as a storyteller and musician. This flawlessly fierce alt-indie pop-rock release is so much more than the sum of its sonic parts. It’s an opportunity for listeners to reclaim their true identity and celebrate the beauty in feeling deeply as an involuntary rejection of superficiality.

Happy Thoughts will be officially released on June 28; stream the single on SoundCloud.

Review by Amelia Vandergast

Oceandvst cured nihilism with their hooked-up juggernaut of an emo post-hardcore anthem, Dead End Hope

‘Dead End Hope’ is so much more than the sum of its parts; a savant polymath wouldn’t know where to start breaking the latest expansively affecting single from Oceandvst down.

The only true way to do the augmented with raw volition alt anthem any justice is by alluding to the visceral impact of the release that covers the entire emo spectrum while extending an olive branch of empathy to anyone who has ever known the claustrophobia of being trapped within their own mind.

From Paramore-esque vocal hooks to the heart-in-throat vindication of MCR to the hell-hath-no-fury like a post-hardcore breakdown of blast beats, ferociously distorted guitars and snarled basslines, Dead End Hope delivers it all while keeping the emotion of the single at its core.

Since forming in 2017, the Greek trio has lived up to their mission of becoming architects of sonic sanctuaries to the disillusioned, the lost, and the outliers with the candour in their lyrics and the intensity of their melodies. Messages of solidarity and hope underscore each of their releases which have been lauded by Billboard Magazine and Alternative Press.

If any outfit is capable of curing nihilism while simultaneously perfecting the formula for a pop-punk-post-hardcore anthemic hybrid, it is Oceandvst.

Dead End Hope was officially released on June 7th; stream the single on all major platforms, including Spotify.

Review by Amelia Vandergast

Grief transmuted into ground-breaking dance-pop in Tori BLK’s anthem of fortitude A-Okay

Tori BLK

Ignited by fiery pop-punk energy, Tori BLK’s latest dance-pop track, A-Okay, is an act of intense sonic fortitude. Written in the months following losing her mother to liver cirrhosis in February 2024, the single delivers mantras and sonics of solace as it sarcastically scathes at the internal and external expectations to be okay in the wake of a tragedy so colossal you lose your sense of gravity in an alien orbit of reality.

With so many layers to the single, consuming it completely requires digging deep into the emotional and thematic mantles of the single in addition to acknowledging how the instrumentation and stylistic touches amplify the heart-wrenching yet juxtaposing soul-enriching essence of the single.

As the hard-hitting beats thrash against the grief, the upbeat synth-carved melodies deliver the consolation in synergy with Tori BLK’s ascendingly ethereal vocal lines until the chorus hits and she fervently delivers the refrain “tell me that I’m okay, tell me that I’m a-okay”. The heterogeneous hit is inexplicably affecting; it transcends music to exhibit an unfiltered manifestation of a grief-torn soul. As someone who has also experienced the loss of their mother, I can attest first-hand to how raw and real the resonance is.

If this is your first introduction to Tori BLK (AKA Victoria Islas) and her ability to alchemise, transmute and transform broken hearts, it will be an unforgettable acquainting with the singer-songwriter, music producer, poet and spiritual intuitive.

A-Okay will be available to stream on all major platforms from May 31; find your preferred way to listen and connect with Tori BLK through her official website.

Review by Amelia Vandergast

Chasing Shadows: Hazard’s ‘Never Going Home’ Echoes the Depths of Desolation

For their standout single, Never Going Home, the Welsh three-piece Hazard filtered psyched-up shoegaze-y post-punk through a grungy and intensely evocative lens, resulting in an emotionally tumultuous outpour of despondence. With vocals spilling into the middle ground between the haunting timbre of Placebo and the sharp confronting antagonism of Angels & Airwaves as the monochrome guitars carve a chill into the mind-bending production, Never Going Home unravels as a dark narrative that tears into the soul and triggers empathy as a dual-sided vignette of loneliness and displacement pours across the alchemic instrumentals.

If the reprise of “She’s never going home/I feel so alone” doesn’t hit hard, there’s probably not much hope for your soul.

There’s no better single to discover Hazard through; after ceaselessly evolving their sound since their 2019 dawning, their sound has culminated in an unflinchingly agonised attest to their ability to stir visceral emotion within their fans

Stream Never Going Home with the rest of Hazard’s sophomore LP, On a Dark Night in My Room via Spotify.

Review by Amelia Vandergast