Boston duo Falls So Fast reminds us that life is a lot shorter than first envisaged with ‘Your Life Is’

Taken from their 11-track album called ‘Calm‘ that has recently been released on the 25th of February, Falls So Fast slows down our busy minds with a top showing that shall have you thinking about your journey on ‘Your Life Is‘.

Falls So Fast is a Boston, Massachusetts-based indie rock singer-songwriter duo who loves to collab with other others and bring a sense of understanding into a rather resentful world.

A collaboration by guitarist Alec Francesconi and singer and guitarist Todd Stephany. Together, they write and arrange original tunes, then contact their network of pro musicians from the Boston area and beyond to perform and record with them.” ~ Falls So Fast

Showing us their life experience that has brought them into this self-enlightened state of knowledge for the spirit that needs to be heard, Falls So Fast are the type of duo that you want to be mates with and share a laugh after the gig. They are totally in tune with the world and are on maximum form here, with a super single that shall bring so much inspiration to those sleepy slumbering souls.

Your Life Is‘ from the Boston, Massachusetts-based indie rock duo Falls So Fast, is one of those mellow tunes made by two understated artists who seem to love what they do. This is the message of taking your life to a new level if you haven’t already as living with regrets about what you could have done, will only cause you to be bitter.

Listen up to this reflective gem on Spotify and see more on Facebook.

Reviewed by Llewelyn Screen

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