Pop artists can never go far wrong when they’re finding inspiration from the likes of New Order and Fleetwood Mac. But there’s plenty of additional aural magic thrown into the latest single from the up and coming Sydney-based artist Bohifale.
“Kind Enough to Wait” transcends sticky-sweet Pop melodies by throwing in layers of Funk along with guitar work which would give Interpol a run for their money.
It’s been a while since I’ve described a Pop track as sexy, it may even be the first time, but there’s definitely something about those smooth reverberant baritone vocals which sit atop of such a danceable euphoric bed of Synth-Pop which comes complete with irresistible earworm worthy Indie guitar licks.
You can check out Bohifale’s groove riddled, nostalgically accessible single Kind Enough to Wait for yourselves by heading over to SoundCloud now.
Review by Amelia Vandergast
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