ARCTISKY countered divisive propaganda with his latest slice of reggae folk pop gospel,  Let Freedom Ring

By using MLK’s famous speech which shares a vision for an egalitarian future in the intro to his latest single, Let Freedom Ring, the Melbourne-based singer-songwriter, multi-instrumentalist and producer, ARCTISKY, affirmed that almost 80 years have passed since the revolutionary called for peace and equality, yet, tragically, his dream is yet to manifest.

The sublimely uplifting folk-tinged reggae rhythms counter the divisive propaganda perpetuated by the media which is playing a pivotal role in increasing hostility as ARCTISKY’s arcanely honeyed harmonies become conduits of compassion within the gospel-esque atmosphere of the cultivated single which paralyses through the purity within the crescendos.

Let Freedom Ring is an opportunity to slip into the sanctity of a conflict-free society, a reminder that we can’t stand idly by and hope that a resistance rectifies the pervasive prejudices that are destroying societies and making enemies of the innocent. The call to action which sets a tone of historical reflection and aspiration couldn’t hit closer to the bone.

Let Freedom Ring will be available to stream on all major platforms from August 9th. Find your preferred way to listen on ARCTISKY’s official website.

Review by Amelia Vandergast

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