A&R Factory Interview: Unveiling the Soul of Lori & the Darlings

Lori & the Darlings

Lori & the Darlings have etched their legacy into the annals of Michigan’s music scene, setting their own standards of artistic authenticity. As we await the release of their EP ‘Side Streets’, the ensemble continues to sketch new musical contours distinct from their previous works. In this exclusive A&R Factory interview, we join them on their explorative journey, where creativity springs from the familiar locales of Main Street. As revealed, the band’s lyrical and melodic evolution resonates through this project, offering a reflective glimpse into their dynamic craft. With a blend of Americana roots and bold experimentation, Lori & the Darlings stand poised at an intersection of past influences and forward-thinking musicality

Lori & the Darlings, welcome to A&R Factory! It’s a pleasure to sit down with you as you gear up for the release of your upcoming EP, Side Streets. Can you walk us through your creative process and how the B-side project thematically connects with and diverges from your last project, Main Street? 

We are just starting to work on this new project: Side Streets and I am excited to get back into the studio soon!   So far we have had a very successful process when it comes to crafting songs…I write the songs and put them on a scratch track, usually just me and a guitar, and then let the band take some time seperately to get used to the melody and changes and if there is a feel or I have any specific ideas I let them know right away although usually I hand the song right over to them and trust them to find their parts… and they always do! I have a huge collection of songs I have been writing for years…and I still write so there is a never-ending supply to pass on to them.

Our last album Main Street (released in Jan) contains a song Main Street 54.  That song got its name because I usually use my voice memo on my phone to record the scratch tracks on…and my phone labels recordings by location so that song was the 54th recording on Main Street (my address at the time) and we ended up liking that title and kept it.. actually all but 1 song on that EP were written in about 2 months on Main Street which is why I decided to name the album such…side streets is a collection of songs that were written around the same time but not at home. And I like the idea of tying them both together like I did with our first two EPs Gratitude side A and side B.

Are there any new sounds or techniques you’re experimenting with this time around?

This last time in the studio we played around with background vocals and added a lot more keys and even had a wonderful violinist come in and play.. and I would definitely like to build on that and keep making our music bigger.

How have your Michigan roots influenced the sound and storytelling of Lori & the Darlings? 

I consider myself so very lucky to have been raised by a father who found music to be of upmost importance…he too was a writer and musician…and I grew up watching him write so many songs…good songs…and record them using this four track he had bought.  He was so very picky about lyrics…he didn’t like easy or lazy lyrics. And he beat that into me.  Because of his love of music, he seemed to have hundreds of records I was allowed to listen to – artists like Jim Croce, Bob Dylan, and Donovan; artists who had mastered telling stories thru music…I think that had a lot to do with how I write.  He was in bands starting in the 60’s in Detroit..doesn’t get a lot cooler than that…he was an amazing influence and reference for me growing up.

How do these elements resonate within your latest tracks?

So that being said, I always am very careful with the words…I might revise a song 20 times until the lyrics are just right…after that though, I rely heavily on the band to mold the song into whatever it feels it should become.  There is this very cool organic thing that happens once we sit down and start playing a song for the first time….after a couple of run-throughs…things just crazy fall into place…and we all come from such different music backgrounds that there is a little bit of everything coming into each song…I love that…we are generally considered Americana but we have songs that are way more blues and songs that sound almost jazzy…I like not being able to be nailed down tight to one genre

What has your experience of the Michigan music scene been? 

I wouldn’t want to be in any other state doing this right now!  Michigan is amazing for music – whether you love listening to it or playing it!  Lori & the Darlings began a little over three years ago getting our first gig in Saginaw Michigan at this great little venue White’s Bar – they are a real deal venue that has a long legacy, history and a reputation for being huge music supporters and have had nothing but the most positive interactions on every level ever since. The other bands (Amazing bands!) we have networked with doing the same thing, the venues we have played at…and the many radio stations that make a place for indie music on their programs…so much love and support for the music community here! We love it!

Over the course of your musical career, how have you seen your artistic identity evolve? 

I can’t speak for the band but personally I would have to say that I have finally grown into a comfortable place where I am not worried so much about performing or even putting songs I’ve written out there for anyone to listen to as I used to be.  There was a time when I was so worried they weren’t good enough or didn’t say the right things the right way.  These days I write how I feel or what I know with a new confidence. It’s refreshing to not worry about that.

What has been the most significant turning point for the band?

 The band has done a lot of growth since it’s birth. If you listen to our first two albums and then Main Street you will notice a significant change in the production of the album. I think letting someone else in to help with that moved mountains when it came to a final product. I wish that would have been the case with the first two, but it’s a lesson learned. I was very stubborn and protective of the first two albums…I was worried about outside influences changing the songs too much…I’ve come to realize having help in that area is priceless and has taken our music to a new level.

How does the upcoming music video for I Want It So Bad bring the single to life?

Oh man!! I love this video so much!  We hope to wrap up editing this week and have a final product in mid-August. This will be my very first attempt at video work!  I was the director, videographer and editor all in one!  Of course, our lead guitar player Roger Marchbanks is the star of the show.  I took him all over Detroit and filmed him playing the song in front of historic and iconic locations. It’s turning out great so far and matches the song which is a playful fun fast rock n roll song! I can’t wait to release it!

Beyond the release of Side Streets, what are your future plans and ambitions? 

We have some amazing festivals lined up at the end of this year and next year as well!  A couple more music videos coming out from Main Street to wrap up that project and talk about adding a new member or two to the band…

Stream Lori & the Darlings on Spotify now.

Follow the band on Facebook to stay up to date with news of future releases & tours.

Interview by Amelia Vandergast

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