Part of me can’t help but compare A Day A Week’s latest single Coffee Shop Heaven to Rebecca Black’s infamous ‘Friday’, but is that really a bad thing? Is Pop really supposed to be serious? Or should it just flow with infectiously sticky sweet melodies and lyrical hooks that will be stuck in your head for the foreseeable future? I’m inclined to believe so. Which is why by the time A Day A Week faded to a close I was in awe of their unashamedly happy approach, which may have also had a little bit to do with the momentous riff they threw into the mix around the jangly high-vibe of Coffee Shop Heaven. The rap verse wasn’t entirely necessary, yet, I have an infinite amount of respect for their A Day A Week and their approach to music.
You can check out A Day A Week’s latest single Coffee Shop Heaven out for yourselves by heading over to SoundCloud now.
Review by Amelia Vandergast
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